In 2003 - 2004 Seminars were run by Jon Wilkening and Nicolas Vandenberghe
Spring 2004 Schedule
January 15: Andrew Belmonte (Penn State University)
New Instabilities of Viscoelastic Free Surfaces
January 22: Andy Lau (University of Pennsylvania)
Microrheology and Stress Fluctuations in Living Cells
January 29: Dan Rothman (MIT)
Dynamics of the Ancient Carbon Cycle
February 5: Alex Barnett (CIMS)
Ergodicity of quantum eigenfunctions in classically chaotic systems
February 12: Alex Vladimirsky (Cornell)
Ordered Upwind Methods for Approximating Invariant Manifolds
February 19: Jan Skotheim (Harvard)
The Mechanics of Venus Fly Trap Closure
February 26: Anette Hosoi (MIT)
From sliding paper to crawling snails: novel applications of thin films
March 4: Hanna Salman (Rockefeller University)
Anomalous diffusion reveals active transport of nuclear proteins in the cytoplasm
March 11:Klebert Feitosa (U. Mass., Amherst)
Inelastic gas: an experimental study of vribrofluidized dilute granular
March 18: Jiri Vanicek (Berkeley)
Semiclassical evaluation of quantum fidelity
March 25: Médéric Argentina (Harvard)
Filaments in fluids: fluttering flags, fishes and bridges
April 1: James Marden (Penn. State)
Molecules, muscles, and machines: universal performance characteristics of motors
April 8: Pedro Reis (University of Manchester)
The Unzip Instability:
Oscillatory Fracture Paths in Thin Elastic Sheets
April 15: Demetrius Papageorgiou (NJIT)
Modeling, computations and experiments for rising
gas bubbles in surfactant solutions.
April 22: Guillaume Bal (Columbia)
Fast Inversion of the Attenuated Radon Transform with partial
Note that this seminar will be held at 1.30 PM in room 813.
April 29: Frank Vollmer (Rockefeller University)
Whisper Detection of Biomolecules and Weak Localization of Nanospheres
May 6: Ashwin Vaidya (University of Pittsburgh)
Orientation of Rigid Bodies Sedimenting in Newtonian and
Non-Newtonian Fluids