A Suite of image manipulation and conversion command-line tools and user-callable libraries.
SDSC tools can be used as line commands in
scripts to manipulate multiple images quickly. Especially useful are
imconv (convert from one format to another) and imscale
(the image scaling tool).
(Also see the ImageMagick webpage).
Instructions for Use
On the SUNs:
The SDSC Image Tools are located in /tools/aml-estarose/local/sun_bin
On the SGIs:
The SDSC Image Tools are located in /tools/aml-estarose/local/bin
Please add the appropriate path to your PATH environment variable (How-to).
Then any of the following tools can be run.
Text taken from
Release notes for Version 3.0
imadjust - Adjust image colors, desaturate, brighten, etc.
imcat - Concatenate images into multi-image files.
imcltroll - Cycle a color lookup table.
imcomp - Digitally composite images.
imconv - Convert between all supported image file formats.
imcopy - Copy a portion of an image into a new file.
imdissolve - Dissolve between two images.
imfile - Display image attributes.
imfill - Fill a region of an image with a color or gradient.
imflip - Flip an image horizontally or vertically.
imformats - Describe image file format support.
imgray - Convert to grayscale.
imhist - Compute an image histogram.
imkey - Chroma key two images together.
imlighten - Lighten or darken an image.
immono - Convert to monochrome.
impaste - Paste an image into another.
imroll - Cycle an image horizontally or vertically.
imrotate - Free rotate an image.
imscale - Scale an image up or down.
imshear - Shear an image horizontally or vertically.
imsplit - Split apart multi-image files.
imstoryboard - Build a storyboard grid of images.
libim.a - image conversion and manipulation functions
libsdsc.a - SDSC complimentary packages- binary i/o, arguments parsing, and tag table
On the Suns:
On the SGIs:
Include files in: /tools/aml-estarose/local/include/imtools
The man page for each of the tools is located in /tools/aml-estarose/local/man
Please add this path to your MANPATH environment variable (How-to).
For an overview of the tools type: man imtools
A postscript version of the man page for each tool and each function
in the libraries libim.a & libsdsc.a are in /tools/aml-estarose/local/doc/imtools
The tool docs are the same as the man pages
For libim.a, the overview is
For libsdsc.a, the overviews are the following files in directory libsdsc
argintro.ps, binintro.ps, & tagintro.ps