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Fundamental Algorithms, Spring 1998

Assignment 2. Running time estimates for simple algorithms and sorting.

Given January 28, due February 10.

What is the asymptotic running time of this program to find all the prime numbers less than n.
p = 1
for i = 1, ... , n {
   for j = 2, ... , sqrt(i) {
      if ( ( i / j ) * j == i ) break;  // i is not prime
      p_list(p) = i;
      p = p + 1;
What is the asymptotic time of the following algorithm:
for k = 1, ... , n {
   for j = 1, ... , k {
      a(j) = rand();
   sum = 0;
   for j = 1, ... , k-1 {
      sum = sum + ( a(j+1) - a(j) ) *  ( a(j+1) - a(j) );
cout << " the sum is " << sum << endl; // Never mind this line.
The routine rand() produces a different random number in between 0 and 1 each time it is called.
We have a sorted list of real n numbers, tex2html_wrap_inline20 . For any number, x, h(x) is the number of elements of a larger than x. Suggest an algorithm that will find the largest element of a that is smaller than x in time of order tex2html_wrap_inline34 .
We have a sorted list of n real numbers, tex2html_wrap_inline20 . Give an O(n) algorithm that determines whether a(j) = -a(i) for any pair i,j.
It is known that there is no algorithm that can sort n numbers using fewer than tex2html_wrap_inline48 comparisons. In view of this fact, is it possible to perform the delete_max operation on a heap using O(1) comparisons?

Jonathan Goodman
Mon Feb 9 10:53:02 EST 1998