Materials Working Group, Spring 2017

Organized by Bob Kohn

"Materials Working Group" talks are mainly by people at Courant
(students, postdocs, visitors and faculty), discussing their
recent or current work. The talks are informal, with 
plenty of discussion. A record of the 2015-2016 talks 
is here. 

Our timeslot in Spring 2017 is Tuesday at 11-12 in WWH 1314. (We often
run over, but not too much since the COB seminar meets in the same room
at 12:30.) 
An email list for relevant announcements is
maintained by Bob Kohn (kohn at cims dot nyu dot edu).

Spring 2017:

February 7: Dio Margetis (Univ of Maryland) will speak on
"A problem in the evolution of crystal facets from a continuum view." 
An abstract is here.
February 21: Tuomo Kuusi (Aalto Univ) will share what he has been
learning from colleagues studying the geothermal world. (For example: 
there is evidence that rock should be thought of as a self-similar
fractal.) This will be an informal, non-rigorous discussion.
March 7: Alex Misiats (CIMS) will discuss ongoing work about 
some elastic energy minimization problems that seem to prefer
"zig-zag" microstructures. This work is motivated by experiments 
involving martensitic phase transformation.