The Pascal Mysticum is a configuration of points and lines that can be constructed geometrically and combinatorially from the Pascal Lines of the 60 hexagons formed by 6 points on a conic. The mysticum began as a configuration of 95 points and 95 lines that were discovered by Steiner, Plucker, Kirkman, Cayley and Salmon between 1829 and the early 1850s. The figure was greatly expanded by Veronese in the early 1880s. In this talk, I will explain the mysticum and give new (computer generated) proofs of some of its properties. The talk is joint work with John Conway, he gave an earlier talk at the Courant Seminar about an early stage of our project. Bio: Alex Ryba is a finite group theorist. He got his PhD from the University of Cambridge in 1985 and is currently a member of the Computer Science Department at Queens College, CUNY.