The Courant Institute regrets to inform you that Professor David Cai passed away on Saturday, October 21, 2017.

David Cai

Professor of Mathematics and Neural Science

Courant Institute of Mathematical Science
The Center for Neural Science
New York University

Mail Address

Courant Institute, 251 Mercer St. New York, NY 10012, U.S.A.


212-998-3310 (voice) 212-995-4121 (fax)


cai @


Theoretical and computational neuroscience, Network dynamics, Applied dynamical systems, Applied stochastic processes, Wave Turbulence;

Development of theoretical and computational tools for their applications in physics, biology, and neuroscience

Selected Publications

Class Information

PDE for Finance, Spring 2006

Derivatives, Fall 2003

Lecture Notes, Fall 2006

Methods of Applied Math, Fall 2007

Biophysics, Spring 2008

Applied Functional Analysis, Fall 2008

Xixi Art

Cover Art