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Ed•win P. Ger•ber |ĕd’wĭn pē gûr’bûr|


1. Climate scientist, currently a
(a) Professor in the Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science within the Mathematics Department at New York University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
(b) affiliated member of NYU's Department of Environmental Studies, and
(c) an Associate Editor for the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.

2. Cyclist, harmonica player, fledgling cook, outdoors enthusiast trying out the city life, and adventurer.

3. Son, brother, husband, and father.

DERIVATIVES Ed Gerber, Eddie (dated)

ORIGIN Forename from my grandfather Edwin Rosenthaler (1921-1963), who was named after his grandfather, Edwin Howe (1868-?). P for Paul, also the middle name of my father. Surname traced as far back as my great-great-great-grandfather Abraham Gerber (?-1919), originally from Holland. His son Abel (1867-1931) had immigrated to Grand Rapids, MI by 1889.


November 2018

Deterministic weather forecast are only possible for one to two weeks. (Or in other words, we just can't predict whether it will be sunny or rainy 14 days from now.) But can we say something about the weather over the next few weeks, for example, will it be warmer and drier than average, even if we can't say exactly which days will be sunny?

The answer is yes, we can (sometimes) provide informative forecasts on the time scales of a few weeks to a month, or "sub-seasonal" in the weather prediction lingo. Please check our our chapter Sub-seasonal Predictability and the Stratosphere, where we show how the the stratosphere can help us provide useful forecasts on these time scales!

October 2018

Why do some Sudden Stratospheric Warmings appear to influence the troposphere, shifting the jet stream equatorward over the next 2-3 months, while others don't? Much of the issue is tropospheric variability, which can overwhelm the influence of the stratosphere. However, our recent study, The Downward Influence of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings: Association with Tropospheric Precursors, led by Ian White at Hebrew University, shows that there are regional patterns that can help us predict whether a Sudden Warming is more likely to have an influence on the troposphere!

September 2018

Coming to the SPARC General Assembly in Kyoto next month? Check out these exciting presentations!

Kevin DallaSanta will be presenting his paper on the circulation response to volcanic eruptions, and some new work on the "tropical annular modes", Aman Gupta will be exploring tracer transport in atmospheric GCMs, and I'll be assessing the state of annular modes in reanalyses!

July 2018

Major volcanic eruptions, especially those in the tropics, can inject aerosols into the stratosphere, where they scatter incoming radition, cooling the planet for 1 to 3 years following the eruption. Paradoxically, however, there's evidence that Northern Europe tends to warm following major eruptions. This points to a circulation impact of volcanic aerorols, which we explore in The Circulation Response to Volcanic Eruptions: The Key Roles of Stratospheric Warming and Eddy Interactions. The study was led by Kevin DallaSanta, in collabortation with Matt Toohey at GEOMAR in Kiel, Germany.

June 2018

What limits our ability to characterize the variability of the large scale circulation of the extratropics?

In our paper Quantifying the variability of the annular modes: Reanalysis uncertainty vs. sampling uncertainty, just submitted to Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Patrick Martineau and I show that reanalyses have gotten quite good, and we are chiefly limited by the finite length of the observational records. In this sense, we are starved for data, not physics!

May 2018

Finding a scientist waxing lyrically upon the virtue of "model hierarchies" is about as hard as spotting a politician paying homage to middle class values. But what exactly do we mean by a hierarchy of models? And how have they actually advanced science?

In our review submitted to Reviews of Geophysics, The value of hierarchies and simple models in atmospheric research, a team effort led by Penny Maher, we concretely answer these questions ... and more!

April 2018

Congratulations to Kevin DallaSanta, this year's recipient of the Moses A. Greenfield Research Prize for interdisciplinary research! Certainly a sufficient excuse for a handshake with Courant director Russ Caflisch!

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The CAOS Colloquium

a nice guide to laTex


linux and mac notes

running your own GCM

a talk on how to survive grad school

For the sake of my children -- and all those in the world -- permit this statement of fact that has become an issue of politics. (How to respond is a difficult question, one of true political nature, but the necessity to act is not in question!)

Global warming is real. We are causing it ... and we can stop it.

There is overwhelming scientific evidence that people are warming the Earth beyond natural variability. This position is held by virtually all climate scientists, NASA, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the world’s most authoritative organization on climate change).

The question today is no longer if man-made climate change is happening, but how its challenges can be solved by human ingenuity. We must rapidly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in order to minimize the significant risks of climate change, such as more extreme heat waves, prolonged droughts and severe floods. Our actions will have lasting impacts on generations to come.

The above is the Tyndall Petition. Check out skepticalscience.com, climatepedia.org, and realclimate.org to learn more about climate change and the effort to prevent it. We can stop global warming and maintain a vibrant, growing economy. The only thing we lack today is the will.

P.S. Can you spot the experiment to illustrate reduced gravity shallow water waves on this page?