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23 Centuries of Influence on Mathematics, Engineering, and Science
31 May – 1 June 2013
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University

A world conference celebrating the enduring and
continuing influence of Archimedes, 23 centuries after his lifetime

Friday, May 31st
Applied researchers and academics from the broad ranges of mathematics, science, and engineering … educators … science writers … science museum directors and others interested in learning about modern day applications of Archimedes’ works, principles, and inventions are invited.
9:00 am–5:00 pm

Saturday, June 1st
Teachers of mathematics and science at the secondary/high school level and college/university professors of mathematics, engineering, and science are invited. Short talks about the teaching of Archimedes’ works, principles, and inventions will be presented along with demonstrations of Archimedean machines and mechanisms.
9:30 am–1:30 pm


No admission fee will be charged to attend this conference.
Pre-conference online registration is required, however.

CHRIS RORRES, Chair/Moderator of the Archimedes World Conference is an applied mathematician and Emeritus Professor of Mathematics from Drexel University in Philadelphia. He is currently Lecturer in Epidemiology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine.

For more than 45 years Dr. Rorres has studied the lifework of Archimedes and has extended several of Archimedes’ seminal works including: “Completing Book II of Archimedes’s On Floating Bodies ”; “Optimal Design of an Archimedes Screw”; and recently “Correcting an Error in Book I of Archimedes’ On Floating Bodies ” and extending Archimedes’ definition of the center of gravity.

Additionally, in 1995 Dr. Rorres created the premier Internet web site on Archimedes, which he continues to expand and develop.

The image of Archimedes in the composite illustration was extracted from an engraving by M. Weber. The engraving is based on a painting by the Italian artist Niccolò Barabino (1832-1891).