Welcome to
The AML consists of two components, providing both the tools of
advanced scientific computation and a laboratory for physical
experiments. The ViSLab is a state-of-the-art
center for visualization and simulation, featuring numerous SGI,
Sun, and Apple workstations and peripheral equipment.
The WetLab is an experimental laboratory,
with basic equipment for a variety of desktop experiments in fluid
dynamics and other fields.
The AML is located in three rooms on the ground floor of Warren Weaver
Hall in the lobby area. The ViSLab occupies room 105 and is entered
through the glass door next to the elevators. WetLabs A and B occupy
rooms 104 and 103, which can be entered from the west lobby. Access is by card swipe using your NYU
identification. In addition, two AML student labs are located in Rooms 624 and 730 (Use and Access Policy).
The goals of the AML are threefold:
To provide students, faculty, and University visitors with an
experimental facility, in its broadest form, within the mathematical
sciences environment of the Courant Institute.
To establish a center for education in the applied sciences. This
includes use of the AML in laboratories associated with graduate and undergraduate courses as
well as outreach programs to other
University and community institutions.
To facilitate interdisciplinary science
within the University. The AML is intended to serve the needs of
educators and researchers working at the boundaries between mathematics
and physics, chemistry, biology, and neural science.
Support for the AML:
We wish to thank the following for their support of the New
York University Applied Mathematics Laboratory at the Courant
The National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation
for Acquisition of a Simulation and Visualization
Facility for Fluid Dynamics Research (1997-2000).
The Department of Energy for support of the faculty, post-docs,
and students who use this facility and for material support of the
AML WetLab.
New York University for its donation and purchase of experimental equipment
and support for curriculum development.
The Estate of Edward A. Sears for funding the renovation of the
Warren Weaver Hall ground floor space now housing the ViSLab and WetLab.
The Mobil Foundation for assistance in funding the renovation of the
Warren Weaver Hall ground floor space now housing the ViSLab and WetLab.
The Silicon Graphics Corporation for its donation of the Laboratory's
'seed' computational and graphical workstations:
- 3 Octanes
- 3 O2s
1 Onyx2 Infinite Reality2 graphics workstation
Access to the AML:
Content and Web Design: Estarose Wolfson
email: estarose at