I am an assistant professor at Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University. Previously, I was an instructor at Princeton University. I got my Ph.D. at Stanford University. My dissertation advisors are Rick Schoen and Brian White. Before that I was an undergraduate student at Peking University, where I got my Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, mentored by Huijun Fan.
My research interests include differential geometry, partial differential equations, and geometric measure theory. Specifically, my recent work concerns minimal surfaces, scalar curvature and mathematical general relativity.
In will be on leave from fall 2024 to summer 2025.
Regularity of minimal surfaces with capillary boundary conditions, joint with Luigi De Masi, Nick Edelen and Carlo Gasparetto. arXiv
Improved regularity for minimizing capillary hypersurfaces, joint with Otis Chodosh and Nick Edelen. arXiv
Stable minimal hypersurfaces in R^5, joint with Otis Chodosh, Douglas Stryker and Paul Minter, submitted. arXiv
Attaching faces of positive scalar curvature manifolds with corners, joint with Alessandro Carlotto, to appear in SIGMA: Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Method and Applications, special issue in honors of Jean-Pierre Bourguignon on the occasion of his 75th birthday. arXiv
A note about isotopy and concordance of positive scalar curvature metrics on compact manifolds with boundary, joint with Alessandro Carlotto, to appear in Beijing Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (the Bartnik memorial volume). arXiv
Volume growth of 3-manifolds with scalar curvature lower bounds, joint with Otis Chodosh and Douglas Stryker, Proc. Amer. Math Soc. 151 (2023), 4501-4511. arXiv
Decomposing 4-manifolds with positive scalar curvature, joint with Richard Bamler and Christos Mantoulidis, Adv. Math. , Volume 430, 2023. arXiv
Stable anisotropic minimal hypersurfaces in 𝗥⁴, joint with Otis Chodosh, Forum of Mathematics, Pi, 11, E3. arXiv
Complete stable minimal hypersurfaces in positively curved 4-manifolds, joint with Otis Chodosh and Douglas Stryker, to appear in J. Eur. Math. Soc. arXiv
Min-max theory for capillary surfaces, joint with Xin Zhou and Jonathan Zhu, to appear in J. Reine Angew. Math. arXiv
Stable minimal hypersurfaces in 𝗥⁴, joint with Otis Chodosh, Acta Math. , volume 233 (2024), no. 1, 1-31. arXiv
(A note fixing two minor typos in Proposition 4.)
Constrained deformations of positive scalar curvature metrics, II, joint with Alessandro Carlotto, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. , 77 (2024): 795 - 862. arXiv
Metrics with λ₁(-Δ+kR)≥0 and flexibility in the Riemannian Penrose Inequality, joint with Christos Mantoulidis, Comm. Math. Phys. , 401 (2023), no. 2, 1831-1877. arXiv
Classifying sufficiently connected PSC manifolds in 4 and 5 dimensions, joint with Otis Chodosh and Yevgeny Liokumovich, Geom. Topo. , 27:4 (2023), 1635-1655. arXiv
Generalized soap bubbles and the topology of manifolds with positive scalar curvature, joint with Otis Chodosh, Ann. Math. , 199 (2024), 707-740. arXiv
Dihedral rigidity of parabolic polyhedrons in hyperbolic spaces, SIGMA 16 (2020), 099. Contribution to the Special Issue on Scalar and Ricci Curvature in honor of Misha Gromov on his 75th Birthday. arXiv
Regularity of free boundary minimal surfaces in locally polyhedral domains, joint with Nick Edelen, Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 75: 970-1031 (2022). arXiv
The dihedral rigidity conjecture for n-prisms , J. Differential Geom., 126(1): 329-361. arXiv
Constrained deformations of positive scalar curvature metrics , joint with A. Carlotto, J. Differential Geom., 126(2), 475-554. arXiv
Singularity and comparison theorems for metrics with positive scalar curvature , Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University. PDF file. Video of a talk at the Institute for Advanced Study.
A polyhedron comparison theorem for three-manifolds with positive scalar curvature, Invent. Math. 219, 1-37 (2020) arXiv
A mistake in Lemma 3.1 requires an additional assumption for Theorem 1.4 and Theorem 1.5. See correction.
Positive scalar curvature and skeleton singularities, joint with C. Mantoulidis, Math. Ann. (2019) 374: 99. arXiv
(A note fixing some imprecisions in Lemma 6.1. Thank Luen-Fai Tam for pointing them out!)
Index and topology of minimal hypersurfaces in 𝗥ⁿ, Calc. Var. (2017) 56:180. arXiv
The notes for lectures on scalar curvature in Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar (SCGAS) in Feb 2025.
Hand written notes for a mini course on stable minimal hypersurfaces in 4-manifolds at Rutgers geometric analysis conference in 2022.
Nachdiplom Lectures - Topics in scalar curvature, lectures by Rick Schoen (Spring 2017, FIM-ETH). We encourage the readers to wait FIM-ETH for the publication of the lecture notes.
Lectures on mean curvature flow by Or Hershkovits. Joint with Evangelie Zachos. (Winter 2017, Stanford) PDF
Lectures on minimal submanifolds by Rick Schoen. Joint with C. Mantoulidis and D. Cheng. (Spring 2015, Stanford) PDF
Non-existence of metric on Tn with positive scalar curvature. Notes for a talk given at Stanford and University of California, Irvine in 2014. PDF