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Fundamental Algorithms, Spring 1998
Assignment 10. Sets and graphs.
Given April 13, due Monday, April 20.
- 1.
- The binomial tree (related to binomial heap, CLR, chapter 20)
of height h+1,
, is defined inductively.
is a single
element. We
have been saying that a tree with a single element has height 1, although
one could make a case for saying height 0.
is made from two
copies of
, call them
with root
, and
with root
. In
, none
of the pointers is changes except that the parent pointer of
is set to point to
, and a child pointer of
, if there are child pointers.
- a.
- Show that
has height h+1 and
- b.
- The binomial coefficients,
, satisfy the
. From this,
find a formula for the number of nodes at depth k in
- c.
- Show that
has the fewest elements among all trees of
height h that can be made using make_set and union
operations, assuming that we are using the union by rank heuristic.
Hint: Let
be the sparsest tree of height h that can be made.
Show that
is made by joining two copies of
, because
any other join would either not increase the height, or have more elements
than necessary.
- 2.
- Suppose we have a family of disjoint sets represented by trees
with parent pointers only. Show that the additional work to perform
another m find operations is O(n+m), where n is the number
elements, no matter which elements are being found.
(The analysis with find and union is harder.)
- 3.
- In an undirected graph, an edge, e, connects
e.head to e.tail. A graph,
, is a subgraph
of G if every vertex of
us a vertex of G, and every edge
is an edge of G. A tree is a connected subgraph
with no cycles. A spanning tree is a subgraph containing all the
vertices of G that is a tree. A spanning forest is a collection of
subgraphs, one spanning tree for each connected component. The following
algorithm finds connected components:
for ( x in V ) { makeset(x); }
for ( e in E ) {
if ( ( x = find(e.head)) != ( y = find(e.tail)) ) union(x,y); }
- a.
Add a line or two to make a list of edges that forms a spanning tree if
G is connected and a spanning forest otherwise.
- b.
Write code to make this spanning tree into a tree sense we used before.
That is, there should be a root, parent pointers, and child lists.
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Jonathan Goodman
Mon Apr 13 20:59:04 EDT 1998