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Fundamental Algorithms, Spring 1998
Assignment 7. Midterm practice.
Given March 11, due Monday, March 30 (March 16 is an NYU holiday).
You should think of this homework assignment as a midterm exam. Sit
down by yourself and try to do it in a few hours. This should give
you an idea how well you are doing so far and what will be expected on
the final exam. This assignment will not count more than the others.
- 1.
We have 100,000 credit card numbers with 16 digits each. Design an
algorithm using a 10-branching trie that can determine whether a
given number 16 digit number (thought of as a string of 16 digits)
differs from one in the list by a single digit. Assume that the ones
in the list have already been inserted into the trie. Generalize this to
the case of n digit numbers and up to k differences. What is the cost
for a check, as a function of n and k?
- 2.
We want to compute the ``total depth'' of a tree. This is the sum of
the depths (i.e. the distances from the root) of the elements.
We use two routines
int depth( node x) {
if ( x.parent == NIL ) return 0;
return depth( *(x.parent) ) + 1; \\ x.parent is a pointer.
\\ *(x.parent) is the node it points to ...
\\ I think.
int total_depth( node x) { \\ Make a depth first traversal of the subtree
\\ rooted at x, adding up the depths of the
\\ nodes.
int this_depth;
this_depth = depth( x );
if ( x.left_child != NIL ) \\
this_depth = this_depth + total_depth( *(x.left_child) );
if ( x.right_child != NIL )
this_depth = this_depth + total_depth( *(x.right_child) );
- a.
What is the work for computing the total depth of a complete tree of height
- b.
What is the work for computing the total depth of a linear tree of
height h with h elements in it?
- c.
Suppose we replace total depth by total height. The height of node x
is the height of the subtree rooted at x. We compute the height and
total height by routines similar to those above. What is the work for
a complete tree of height h with nodes?
Some algorithms for performing M operations have the property that
the work for all M is O(M) even though some of the individual
operations may take O(M) operations themselves. For example, if
the first M-1 operation take 1 second but the last takes N seconds,
then the total time for all the operations is 2M-1 = O(M).
That is, the work per operation is O(1). Analysis
of algorithms that attempts to understand the time per operations for
a long series of operations is amortized analysis. The algorithm
just described might be considered good in the amortized sense even
though a rare operation can be very slow.
- 3.
Consider a hash function that uses closed hashing and a ``perfect'' hash
function and collision resolution strategy. Perfect means that the
probability of a collision at a given probe is equal to the fraction
of the table that is occupied (either containing an element or marked
as deleted). This has table is going to hold the names of students
currently enrolled at NYU and will be kept up to date for the next 10
years. As a matter of university policy there are never more than
N = 50,000 students enrolled at any one time and the enrollment is
usually usually close to that. We are going to make a table of size
3N. If the fraction of occupied sites is more than 2/3 (because
many sites are marked deleted) a new table of size 3N is created and
all the elements are copied to it. Show that this is efficient in the
amortized sense. That is, no matter how long we run the algorithm
and how many inserts, finds, and deletes we do, the work per operation
is O(1).
- 4.
An heap (my own terminology) is a double ended priority
queue. It supports the operations insert(), delete_min(),
and delete_max(). Again we promise that there will never be more
than N elements in the system at any time. Find an implementation
so that the work per operation (any of the three) is in
the amortized sense. This implementation should use something like
a heap (or pair of heaps) rather than a tree. It may do rebalancings
from time to time, but these must be counted in the total work count.
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Jonathan Goodman
Thu Mar 12 19:30:20 EST 1998