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Fundamental Algorithms, Spring 1998
Assignment 8. Dynamic Programming.
Given March 25, due Monday, April 6.
- 1.
- A very simple two person game is played as follows. There is
array of rewards. P(i,j) is the reward you get for
landing at square (i,j). Neither i nor j is allowed to go below
1 or above N. There are two players, called A, and B, who take
turns moving. Player A is allowed to replace i by i+1 or
i-1, but may not change j. Player B is allowed change j to
j+1 or j-1 but is not allowed to change i. After each move,
a player collects the reward P(i,j)(the (i,j) that the player has
just moved to). The game continues until each
player has made L moves. Each player wants to maximize the sum of
his or her payouts but doesn't care what the other player gets.
Each player assumes that the other player will make the optimal move,
for that player, in any given situation.
For example, starting at (7,7), A may move to (6,7) and collect
P(6,7). Then B may go to (6,8) and collect P(6,8). Then
A may go to (7,8) and collect P(7,8), for a total of
P(6,7) + P(7,8), and so on.
- a.
Suppose we know S(i,j,k), which is the total reward that A will get
if there are k moves left starting from (i,j) if both players use
their optimal strategies, and T(i,j,k) which is the total reward that
B will get, if it is B's turn and there are k moves left. This is
known for all (i,j). Show how to compute S(i,j,k+1) (also for
all (i,j)) in terms of this information.
- b.
Use this to find an efficient way for A or B to compute their optimal
- 2.
- (from a book, where the solution may also be found)
A certain string processing language allows the programmer to break
a string into two pieces. Since this involves copying the old string,
it costs n units of time to break a string of n characters. Suppose
a programmer wants to break a string into many pieces. For
example, suppose we wish to break a 20 character string after characters
3, 8, and 10. If the breaks are made in left to right order, then
the first
break costs 20 units, the second 17 units, and the third 12 units, for
a total of 49 units. Clearly, the order in which
the breaks are made can affect the total amount of time used. If we break
first at 10, then at 3 and lastly at 8, the work is 20 + 10 + 7 = 37.
Devise a dynamic programming method that determines
the optimal order of breaking, given k breaks at locations
- 3.
- (from the same source)
We have a list int v[k]; of k ``coin values'', which are positive
integers. We want to write a positive integer, x as a sum of coin
values using the fewest coins. That is, we want to find an expression,
with non negative integer coefficients
, that minimizes the
total number of coins,
. Find a dynamic programming
way to do this. The ``cost to go'' function, C(x), is the number of
coins needed to make x. If we know C(y) for all y ;SPMlt; x then we
can find C(x) by asking how to add one coin. What is the total
work to compute C(x). There may be values that cannot be reached
through any coin combination. for example, if all the
are even
numbers. Your algorithm should be efficient when k is not too large.
- 4.
Stenographers have symbols for commonly used words as well as for all the
letters in the alphabet. We want to use a similar idea for compression
of files that consist of sequences of characters. Each character
has a unique integer that codes it. Some words also have their own integers.
For example, we might transmit the letter a as 1 and the word
and as the number 67. Then, we could transmit the word ``and''
by sending the sequence (1,14,4) (a sequence of 3 numbers), or
by sending the single number 67. Suppose ``do'' is assigned the
number 68. Then, we could transmit the word ``ando'' by sending
(1,14,4,15), (4 numbers), or (67,15) (2 numbers), or
(1,14,68) (3 numbers). Our goal is to find the representation
of a long character string with the shortest integer sequence. We will
represent the code in
the form of a trie. A path through the trie is a sequence of characters
followed by an integer, which is the code for that sequence. Every
individual character has a code. Find a dynamic programming algorithm
that computes the shortest representation of a given sequence. The
algorithm might work in two stages. First compute the number of integers
in the shortest representation of the final substring going from character
k to the end of the string, character n (using dynamic programming).
Then use this information to compute the shortest representation.
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Jonathan Goodman
Thu Mar 26 13:16:28 EST 1998