# Code for Stochastic Calculus class, Jonathan Goodman # http://www.math.nyu.edu/faculty/goodman/teaching/StochCalc20/ # ExponentialSampler.py # Demo of random sampling, histograms, and programming practice # See Exercise 5 of Week 1 notes for details # The author gives permission for anyone to use this publicly posted # code for any purpose. The code was written for teaching, not research # or commercial use. It has not been tested thoroughly and probably has # serious bugs. Results may be inaccurate, incorrect, or just wrong. # illustrate using the Python random number generator from numpy version 19 from numpy.random import Generator, PCG64 # numpy randon number generator routines import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #-------------------- The simulator, an exponential larger than ts -------------------- def sim( ts, lam, bg): """Simulate independent exponential random variables with rate lam until you get one larger than ts (t-start, starting time) and return that. Arguments ts: (type = float) return the first T ~ exp(lam) with T>ts lam: (type = float) the rate parameter for the exponential random variable bg: a instance of the random number generator return: T, n, where T = the first exponential above ts, n = number of trials""" N = 1 # Count number of trials while(1): # could be an infinite loop, dangerous T = -(1/lam)*np.log( rg.random() ) # Generate T ~ exp(lam), # See Week 1 Exercise 5 for this formula if ( T > ts ): # return it if it's above threshhold return T, N N += 1 # count the T you just rejected #------------------ The main program --------------------------------------------------- bg = PCG64(12345) # instantiate a bit generator with seed 12345 rg = Generator(bg) # instantiate a random number generator # Collect all constants and parameters in one place lam = .136 # the exponential rate constant ts = 2.48/lam # the threshhold nhist = 20000 # number of samples for the histogram maxT = 5./lam # make bins out to 5*expected T nbins = 30 # number of histogram bins PlotFile = "ExponentialHistogram.pdf" # filename for histogram plot file Tlist = np.zeros(nhist) # allocate a numpy array for the histogram samples Nsum = 0 # To calculate the average of N for k in range(nhist): T, N = sim( ts, lam, bg) Tlist[k] = T - ts # time to hit after ts Nsum += N DelT = maxT/nbins # bin width binT = np.zeros(nbins) # bin centers, binC = np.zeros(nbins, dtype = int) # bin counts are integers for k in range(nhist): Tk = Tlist[k] if ( Tk < maxT): # count samples in the range of the histogram Bk = int( Tk/DelT ) # truncate to identify the bin binC[Bk] += 1 pe = np.zeros(nbins) # empirical probability estimate from simulation pt = np.zeros(nbins) # theoretical probability density Nbar = Nsum / nhist # average number of trials infoLine = "\n Exponentials larger than {ts:10.3e} with rate {lam:10.3e}" infoLine = infoLine.format( ts = ts, lam = lam) print(infoLine) infoLine = " Expected number of trials was {Nbar:10.3e} \n" infoLine = infoLine.format( Nbar = Nbar) print(infoLine) print(" bin center empirical probability theoretical probability difference\n") for j in range(nbins): pe[j] = binC[j]/(nhist*DelT) # See week 1 notes for this formula Tj = ( j + .5)*DelT # The center of the bin binT[j] = Tj # record the bin center times, for plotting pt[j] = lam*np.exp(-lam*Tj) # exponential probability density # character string with formatting information table_line = " {Tj:8.4f} {pe:8.3e} {pt:8.3e} {diff:11.3e}" # put the numbers into the formatted string table_line = table_line.format( Tj = Tj, pe = pe[j], pt = pt[j], diff = pe[j]-pt[j]) # print the line of the table, character string with formatted numbers embedded print(table_line) fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Create a figure containing a single axes. ax.plot(binT, pe, 'bo', label = 'empirical density') # add a curve with the empirical density estimates ax.plot(binT, pt, label = 'theoretical density') # add a curve with the theoretical densities ax.legend() # the legend says which graph is which ax.set_ylabel('p') # usually it's more complicated than this ax.set_xlabel('T - ts') title = "exponential rate {lam:6.2f}, {nf:8.2e} samples" # plot title with formatted numbers embedded title = title + ", threshhold {ts:8.2e}" title = title.format(lam = lam, nf = float(nhist), ts = ts) ax.set_title(title) ax.grid() # the grid makes it easier to read the graph plt.savefig(PlotFile) # save in the same directory plt.show()