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[129] "Thermodynamic chaos and the structure of short-range spin glasses", C.M. Newman and D.L. Stein, Mathematical Aspects of Spin Glasses and Neural Networks (A. Bovier and P. Picco, Eds.), Birkhäuser, Boston-Basel-Berlin, 1998, 243-287.

[130] "Metastate approach to thermodynamic chaos", C.M. Newman and D.L. Stein, Phys. Rev. E 55 (1997), 5194-5211.

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[132] "Geodesics and spanning trees for Euclidean first-passage percolation", C. D. Howard and C.M. Newman, Ann. Prob. 29 (2001), 577-623.

[133] "Scaling limits for minimal and random spanning trees in two dimensions", M. Aizenman, A. Burchard, C.M. Newman, and D.B. Wilson, Random Structures and Algorithms 15 (1999), 319-367.

[134] "Chaotic time dependence in a disordered spin system", M. Isopi, L.R. Fontes, and C.M. Newman, Probab. Theory and Related Fields 115 (1999), 417-443.

[135] "Short-range spin glasses: a status report", C.M. Newman and D.L. Stein , XIIth Inter. Cong. Math. Physics ICMP '97 (D. De Wit, A.J. Bracken, M.D. Gould and P.A. Pearce, Eds.), International Press, Boston, 1999, 167-172.

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[137] "Simplicity of state and overlap structure in finite-volume realistic spin glasses", C.M. Newman and D.L. Stein, Phys. Rev. E 57 (1998), 1356-1366.

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[139] "Metastable states in spin glasses and disordered ferromagnets", C.M. Newman and D.L. Stein, Phys. Rev. E 60 (1999), 5244-5260.

[140] "Equilibrium pure states and nonequilibrium chaos", C.M. Newman and D.L. Stein, J. Stat. Phys. 94 (1999), 709-722.

[141] "From greedy lattice animals to Euclidean first-passage percolation", C.D. Howard and C.M. Newman, Perplexing Problems in Probability (M. Bramson and R. Durrett, Eds.), Birkhäuser, Boston, 1999, 107-119.

[142] "Dynamics of Ising spin systems at zero temperature", S. Nanda, C.M. Newman, and D.L. Stein, On Dobrushin's Way. From Probability Theory to Statistical Physics (R. Minlos, S. Shlosman and Y. Suhov, Eds.), Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. (2) 198 (2000), 183-194.

[143] "Zero-temperature dynamics of ±J spin glasses and related models", A. Gandolfi, C.M. Newman, and D.L. Stein, Commun. Math. Phys. 214 (2000), 373-387.

[144] "Zero-temperature dynamics of Ising spin systems following a deep quench: results and open problems", C.M. Newman and D.L. Stein, Physica A 279 (2000), 159-168.

[145] "Nature of ground state incongruence in two-dimensional spin glasses", C.M. Newman and D.L. Stein, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000), 3966-3969.

[146] "Random walks with strongly inhomogeneous rates and singular diffusion: convergence, localization and aging in one dimension", L.R. Fontes, M. Isopi, and C.M. Newman, Ann. Prob., 30 (2002), 579-604.

[147] "Are there incongruent ground states in 2D Edwards-Anderson spin glasses?", C.M. Newman and D.L. Stein, Commun. Math Phys., 224 (2001), 205-218.

[148] "Realistic spin glases below eight dimensions: a highly disordered view", C.M. Newman and D.L. Stein, Phys. Rev. E 63 (2001), 016101 [9pp.].

[149] "Interfaces and the question of regional congruence in spin glasses", C.M. Newman and D.L. Stein, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001), 077201 [4pp.]

[150]  "The Brownian web", L.R. Fontes, M. Isopi, C.M. Newman and K. Ravishankar, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sciences 99 (2002), 15894-15897.

[151]  "The percolation transition for the zero-temperature stochastic Ising model on the hexagonal lattice",  C.D. Howard and C.M. Newman, J. Stat. Phys. 111 (2003), 57-62.

[152]   “Aging in 1D discrete spin models and equivalent systems”, L.R. Fontes, M. Isopi, C.M. Newman and D.L. Stein, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001), 110201[4pp.].

[153]  "The state(s) of replica symmetry breaking: mean-field theories vs. short-range spin glasses", C.M. Newman and D.L. Stein, J. Stat. Phys. 106 (2002), 213-244.

[154]  "Clusters and recurrence in the two-dimensional zero-temperature stochastic Ising  model", F. Camia, E. De Santis and C.M. Newman, Ann. Appl. Prob. 12 (2002), 565-580.

[155]  "Approach to fixation for zero-temperature stochastic Ising models on the hexagonal lattice" F. Camia, C.M. Newman and V. Sidoravicius, In and Out of Equilibrium: Probability with a Physics Flavor (V. Sidoravicius, Ed.), Birkhäuser, Boston, 2002, 163-183. 

[156]  "Convergence in energy-lowering (disordered) stochastic spin systems", E. De Santis and C. M. Newman, J. Stat. Phys. 110 (2003), 431-442.

[157]  "Ordering and broken symmetry in short-ranged spin glasses", C.M. Newman and D.L. Stein, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15 (2003) R1319-R1364.

[158]  "Cardy's formula for some dependent percolation models", F. Camia, C.M. Newman and V. Sidoravicius, Bull. Brazilian Math. Soc.  33 (2002), 147-156.

[159]   "Nonrealistic behavior of mean field spin glasses", C.M. Newman and D.L. Stein, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003), 197205 [4pp.].

[160]  "A particular bit of universality: scaling limits of some dependent percolation models", F. Camia, C.M. Newman and V. Sidoravicius,  Commun. Math Phys., to appear (math.PR/0308112).

[161]  "The Brownian web: Characterization and convergence", L.R. Fontes, M. Isopi, C.M. Newman and K. Ravishankar, Ann. Prob., to appear (math.PR/0304119).

[162]  "Brownian motion and the classical groups", A. D'Aristotile, P. Diaconis and C.M. Newman, Probability, Statistics and Their Applications:  Papers in Honor of Rabi Bhattacharya (K. Athreya, M. Majumdar, M. Puri and E. Waymire, Eds.), IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series Vol. 41, 2003, 97-116.

[163]  The percolation transition in the zero-temperature Domany  model”, F. Camia and C.M. Newman, J. Stat. Phys.,  to appear (math.PR/0308124).

[164]  Coarsening, nucleation, and the marked Brownian web”, L.R. Fontes, M. Isopi, C.M. Newman and K. Ravishankar, in preparation.

[165]  Finite-dimensional spin glasses: states, excitations, and interfaces”, C.M. Newman and D.L. Stein, Proceedings of TH-2002 (International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Paris 2002), to appear.

 [166]  Continuum nonsimple loops and 2D critical percolation”, F. Camia and C.M. Newman, J. Stat. Phys., to appear (math.PR/0308122).