In the case of intermediate injection, the initial density blob is located at the top, shown in in Fig.14(a). The density enhancement The density at , is shown in Fig.8(b). The pellet material is relatively uniformly spread around its initial magnetic surfaces.
The density peak, as it spreads along the magnetic field, also rotates, moving towards the outboard side. But by the time the peak reaches the outboard side, it is no longer big enough to cause outward displacement.
Incidentally, the motion of the peak around the magnetic surfaces is related to a mechanism of poloidal rotation spinup. To achieve a spinup, the density perturbation must be maintained against the smoothing effect of sound waves, either by a spatially dependent diffusion, or by injection of beams or pellets.
The flux surface averages of are shown in Fig.10(a,b).
In intermediate cases, the pellet's motion is more tangent to the
magnetic field, and there is relatively less motion of the
averaged density peak. The initial averaged density profile is
shown in Fig.10(a). At t =150, the profile is given by
Fig.10(b), with very little shift of the peak, although
there is significant diffusive loss,