Geometric Analysis and Topology Seminar

Four-dimensional Noncollapsed Steady Ricci Solitons

Speaker: Zilu Ma, Rutgers University

Location: Warren Weaver Hall 512

Date: Friday, March 8, 2024, 11 a.m.


Abstract: Steady Ricci Solitons may arise as singularity models of the Ricci flow and they are essential to the singularity analysis in order to achieve any topological applications using surgeries, particularly in dimension 4. In this talk, we shall present some results on four-dimensional noncollapsed steady gradient Ricci solitons in some recent joint works. We first classify the tangent flows at infinity of noncollapsed steady solitons in dimension four. With the classification, we give a classification of Kaehler steady solitons. Under the assumption of positive curvature, we present some recent results on rough geometric asymptotics and precise analytic asymptotics.