MATH-UA 334 Mathematical Statistics

4 points. Fall and Spring terms.

Note: Prior to Fall 2025, Mathematical Statistics was formerly numbered MATH-UA 234. Effective Fall 2025, the course has been renumbered MATH-UA 334. The course title, content, material, workload, duration and instruction remain unchanged. Only the course number has been updated to better align with the Math Department’s sequencing of courses.

Course Description

An introduction to the mathematical foundations and techniques of modern statistical analysis for the interpretation of data in the quantitative sciences. Mathematical theory of sampling; normal populations and distributions; chi-square, t, and F distributions; hypothesis testing; estimation; confidence intervals; sequential analysis; correlation, regression; analysis of variance. Applications to the sciences.


  • Theory of Probability (MATH-UA 233 or 333) or Honors Theory of Probability (MATH-UA 238 or 338) with a grade of C or higher.

Course Syllabi or Websites by Semester