Stochastic Calculus

MATH-GA 2902.001

Detailed syllabus and ethics, behavior policies

Detailed course outline

The course is a sequence of modules that take several weeks each. Here is a tentative schedule.

Academic integrity and behavior

Please feel free to ask questions and make relevant comments during class. If something is unclear to you, it probably is unclear to many other students.

Class time in graduate math courses is intense and limited. Students should arrive to class on time. Please do not use laptops or other devices during class except to take notes (this is rare) or for an emergency (more rare). Please refrain from talking that would distract others.

Please review the NYU academic integrity policy. The following specific policies apply throughout this class.

I (the instructor) will try to create an environment that does not encourage cheating. I will ensure that the work load is managable by an individual student working independently. I will work with the grader and TA to identify cheating. I will listen to anyone's thoughts or complaints on this issue. Please let me know if the work load is unmanageable or if you suspect others of cheating.