Model Practicals -
El Nino Model
- Students should first review the lecture notes for this subject which can be downloaded here.
- The programs for this model all reside on the server
and students have a user id students
. In order to login you need (for security reasons) to be within the CIMS network and you need to login using ssh
. To do this issue ssh
from a cims machine. When prompted enter the password issued in class. Do not share this password.
- The El Nino codes may be found in
and students are asked to copy this sub-directory and its contents to
their own subdirectory to avoid clashing with other students in the
running of the model. - To invoke the model gui type
matlab -nodesktop
and then type elninogui
at the matlab prompt. The following display should appear:

- The
model parameters should be cleared by resetting values. Note the model
runs forward from initial conditions in which variables are set to a
warm event. The only external forcing is stochastic which resembles
weather systems not simulated by the model atmosphere.
- The parameters have the following meaning. wbound:
Western boundary reflection efficiency coefficient. A value of 1.0
means perfect reflection of Rossby waves into Kelvin waves. Values less
than unity imply some absorption or transmission of the Rossby waves at
the boundary. ebound: Eastern boundary reflection
efficiency coefficient. Same as wbound but the reflection coefficient
of Kelvin waves into Rossby waves at the eastern boundary. cuple:
Atmosphere Ocean coupling coefficient. The greater this parameter the
greater the feedback between the media. A value of unity corresponds
approximately with observed conditions in the Pacific. stochstr:
Stochastic forcing with spatial patterns of the large scale tropical
weather have been added to the model. A value of 1.0-3.0 corresponds
approximately with observations. nnyears: Number of years to integrate model forward. Note: only 20 years are shown in the Longitude-Time plots of the gui display. Speed: Factor to multiply the shallow water/Kelvin wave speed. A value of 1.0 corresponds to a speed of 2.3 m/s.
- Students need to complete the assignment which was handed out in class. It can be download here.