Shanyin Tong 童善因
Office: 284A Engineering Terrace
I am a Chu Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University. I completed my PhD at
the Courant Institute, New York University, advised by
Georg Stadler
and Eric Vanden-Eijnden.
I obtained my BS in computational math at Peking University.
Research Interest:
My research focuses on applied and computational mathematics,
with an intersection of applied probability, statistics, optimization and data science.
I am particularly interested in algorithms and analysis for
extreme event estimation and control, and for computational inverse problems in
physics, engineering, and data science,
using tools from uncertainty quantification, PDE-constrained optimization, optimization under uncertainty,
inference and sampling, stochastic and numerical analysis.
Recently, I am also exploring model reduction and machine learning in scientific computing,
to develop efficient methods and software for these areas.
Key applications of my research include inverse mean-field game problems in traffic modeling,
tsunami hazard assessment, portfolio optimization, seismic inversion, and medical imaging.
News & Upcoming:
- I will visit the UPenn Math Department March 17-21.
- I will visit the Department of Mathematics at Drexel University and speak at the PDEs and Applied Math Seminar on April 4.
- I will visit the Department of Mathematical Sciences at NJIT and speak at the Fluid Mechanics and Waves Seminar on April 7.
- I will attend and present at the East Coast Optimization Meeting 2025 at George Mason University, Arlington, VA, April 17-18.
- I will speak at the PSU-Purdue-UMD Joint Seminar on Mathematical Data Science over zoom on April 21.
- I will attend and present at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS25), Denver, CO, May 11-15.
Our paper "A three-stage method for reconstructing multiple coefficients in coupled photoacoustic and
diffuse optical imaging" has been
published by the Inverse Problems [arXiv:2409.06184,
Inverse Probl. Link].
New preprint "A policy iteration method for inverse mean field games" is
on arXiv [arXiv:2409.06184].
Click for archived news
Co-organized (with Thomas O'Leary-Roseberry, UT Austin and Harsha Honnappa, Purdue) and Presented in the minisymposium
"Advances in Algorithms for Extreme Events in Science and Engineering" (MS167 &
at the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE25), Fort Worth, Texas, March 3-7.
- Visited the School of Mathematics at University of Minnesota and gave a colloquium talk, Jan 27-28.
- Visited the Department of Mathematics at University of Pennsylvania and spoke at the Probability and Combinatorics Seminar on Jan 21.
Visited the School of Data Science and Society & Department of Mathematics at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and gave a seminar talk, Jan 14-15.
- Visited the Department of Mathematics at UCLA
and spoke at the Applied Math Colloquium, Jan 6-7.
Visited the Department of Mathematics at UC Berkeley and gave a
guest lecture on Dec 19.
Visited the Department of Computational Applied Mathematics & Operations Research at
Rice University and spoke at the CMOR Special Lecture, Dec 16-17.
Visited the Department of Mathematics at University of South Carolina and gave a colloquium talk, Dec 12-13.
- Visited the Department of Mathematics at University of Wisconsin - Madison and gave a
colloquium talk, Dec 9-10.
- Visited the Department of Mathematics at The Pennsylvania State University and gave a colloquium talk on Dec 6.
Visited the Mathematical Sciences Department at The University of Texas at Dallas
and gave a colloquium talk on Dec 3.
Attended and presented at the
NSF Workshop on Data-driven Modeling and Prediction of Rare and Extreme Events, IMSI, Chicago, IL,
November 21-22.
Visited the Department of Mathematics at Purdue University and spoke at the CCAM seminar, November 11-12.
Attended the SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science (MDS24) from October 21-25 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Presented at MS24: Non-intrusive Computational Methods to Incorporate Prior Knowledge for Improved Statistical Accuracy
on October 22.
Attended the SIAM Texas-Louisiana Section Annual Meeting
from October 11-13 at Baylor University in Waco, Texas.
Presented at MS20: Data and Model-Driven Approaches for Inverse Problems on October 12,
and co-organized (with Lu Zhang, Rice) MS41: Recent Developments in Computational Inversion and Reduced
Order Modeling on October 13.
Presented "Engineering the Unpredictable: Applied Math in Rare Event Studies" at
Engineering Speaks outreach event on August 13,
and shared my career journey and introduced applied mathematics to local K-12 students,
encouraging underrepresented groups to pursue related careers.
Our paper "Large deviation theory-based adaptive importance sampling for rare events in high dimensions" is now featured
in SIAM High Impact Article Collection and
Most Read Article for JUQ.
[arXiv:2209.06278, JUQ Link]
Our paper
"Sensitivity analysis of the information gain in infinite-dimensional Bayesian linear inverse problems" has been
published by the International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, featured as the most viewed and downloaded article of July, 2024.
[arXiv:2310.16906, IJUQ Link]
- Presented our recent work "Policy iteration method for inverse mean-field games" at
New England Numerical Analysis Day (NENAD) at Dartmouth College on June 18.
- Presented our recent work "Policy iteration method for inverse mean-field games" at
Sayas Numerics Day at George Mason University on May 11.
Presented at the 2024 INFORMS Optimization Society Conference (IOS 2024), Houston, TX in March.
Presented at the minisymposium "Theory and simulation of failure probabilities and rare events" at
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ24)
in Trieste, Italy, February 27 - March 1. I also received a SIAM Early Career Travel Award for this conference.
Attended Mathematical Opportunities in Digital Twins Workshop at George Mason University, Arlington, VA in December.
Presented at Mid-Atlantic Numerical Analysis Day at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA on November 10.
Co-organized (with Kostas Papakonstantinou)
a minisymposium on "Rare Event Estimation and Optimization"
at the first annual meeting of SIAM-New York-New Jersey-Pennsylvania section at
New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark, NJ, October 21-22.
Presented at the 2023 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ in October.
Our paper "Scalable methods for computing sharp extreme event probabilities in infinite-dimensional stochastic systems" has recently been accepted
and published by Statistics and Computing. You can find its versions on [arXiv:2303.11919,
Stat.Comput. Link].
Presented at the 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics in August at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.
I received a ICIAM 2023 Travel Award for this conference from SIAM.
I am honored to receive the two-year AMS-Simons Travel Grant starting August 2023.
This will serve as a strong support for my research activities and collaborations.
I am honored to be selected as the finalist for the
Twenty-first IMA Leslie Fox Prize for Numerical Analysis,
based on our work "Large deviation theory-based adaptive importance sampling for rare events in high dimensions".
I gave a lecture at the IMA Leslie Fox Prize meeting on June 26 in Glasgow, UK, and won the Second Prize.
Our paper "Large deviation theory-based adaptive importance sampling for rare events in high dimensions" has recently been accepted
and published by SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification (JUQ).
You can find its versions on [arXiv:2209.06278, JUQ Link]
I am honored to receive the NSF-AWM Travel Grant.
Co-organized (with Anirudh Subramanyam)
a minisymposium on "Optimization with Rare Events"
[MS226, MS249]
at the SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP23) on June 2 at the Sheraton Grand Seattle in Seattle, WA. I also gave a talk about
Optimization under Rare Chance Constraints on May 31.
I received a SIAM Early Career Travel Award for this conference.
Our paper "Estimating earthquake-induced tsunami height probabilities without sampling" has recently been accepted and published by Pure and Applied Geophysics.
You can find its versions on [arXiv:2111.14325, PAG Link].
We successfully held the first APAM Graduate Research Symposium on April 21.
There were 17 presentations from graduate students across all three APAM programs: Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics, and Materials Science.
Presented at the MSRI (SLMath) Special Session on Summer Research in Mathematics (SRiM): Applied and Computational Mathematics at the Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM 2023) in Boston on Jan 4, 2023.
Presented at APAM Research Conference at Columbia
University, NY, Sep 16
- I am happy to receive the Kurt O. Friedrichs Prize from Courant Institute for the outstanding dissertation.
- Finalist of Best Paper for Young Researchers Prize and Session
at the International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT)
Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA,
July 23-24.
- Selected attendee for
PIMS-IFDS-NSF Summer School on Optimal Transport at University of Washington in Seattle, WA,
June 20 - July 1.
- Selected attendee and presented at Rising Stars in Computational
Data Sciences in Albuquerque, NM,
April 20-21.
- Presented at Mini-Symposium: Characterization and prediction of rare and extreme events in complex systems at
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification
(UQ22), April 12-15.
- Presented at
Scientific Computing and Numerics (SCAN) seminar at
Cornell University, March 21.
- Presented at
CCB Seminar at Center for Computational Biology at Simons Foundation, Jan 21.
- Presented at Applied Mathematics
Colloquium at
at Columbia University, Jan 20.
- Attended the 2018 Gene Golub SIAM Summer School,
Inverse Problems:
Systematic Integration of Data with Models under Uncertainty in Breckenridge, CO, June 17-30.
Gave a presentation on team project "Data Fitting with Soap Bubble Surfaces: A Minimal Surfaces Problem".