Tenure / Tenure-Track

Scott Armstrong
Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3148
Research Interests:
Partial differential equations, probability theory, and stochastic homogenization

Yuri Bakhtin
Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3106
Research Interests:
Random dynamics, probabilistic models of mathematical physics

Roland Bauerschmidt
Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH

Gérard Ben Arous
Silver Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3108
Research Interests:
Probability theory, stochastic processes, partial differential equations

Fedor Bogomolov
Silver Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3243
Research Interests:
Algebraic geometry and related problems in algebra, topology, number theory

Paul Bourgade
Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3090
Research Interests:
Probability, random matrices, statistical physics and stochastic processes

Tristan Buckmaster
Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH

Oliver Bühler
Professor of Mathematics and Atmosphere/Ocean Science
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3265
Research Interests:
Geophysical fluid dynamics, interactions between waves and vortices, acoustics, statistical mechanics

Russel Caflisch
Professor of Mathematics; Director, Courant Institute
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3184
Research Interests:
Applied math, PDEs, fluid dynamics, plasma physics, materials science, Monte Carlo methods, computational finance

Sylvain E. Cappell
Silver Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3281
Research Interests:
Algebraic and geometric topology, symplectic and algebraic geometry

Jeff Cheeger
Silver Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3282
Research Interests:
Differential geometry and its connections to analysis and topology

Yu Chen
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3285
Research Interests:
Numerical scattering theory, ill-posed problems, scientific computing

Percy A. Deift
Silver Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3288
Research Interests:
Spectral theory and inverse spectral theory, integrable systems, Riemann-Hilbert problems

Guido De Philippis
Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH

Carlos Fernandez-Granda
Associate Professor of Mathematics and Data Science
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3289

Alfred Galichon
Professor of Economics and Mathematics
Research Interests:
Optimal transport, mathematical finance, economic equilibrium

Edwin Gerber
Professor of Mathematics and Atmosphere/Ocean Science
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3269
Research Interests:
Atmospheric dynamics, climate variability, stochastic modeling

Jonathan B. Goodman
Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3326
Research Interests:
Fluid dynamics, computational physics, computational finance

Leslie Greengard
Silver Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3306
Research Interests:
Applied and computational math, partial differential equations, computational chemistry, mathematical biology

Mikhael Gromov
Jay Gould Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3205
Research Interests:
Riemannian manifolds, symplectic manifolds, infinite groups, math models of biomolecular systems

Sinan Gunturk
Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3246
Research Interests:
Harmonic analysis, information theory, signal processing

Yanjun Han
Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Data Science
Office: WWH

Fengbo Hang
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3221
Research Interests:
Geometric analysis

Nina Holden
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH

David Holland
Professor of Mathematics and Atmosphere/Ocean Science
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3245
Research Interests:
Ocean-ice studies, climate theory and modeling

Arthur Jacot
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH

Alan Kaptanoglu
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH

Bruce Kleiner
Silver Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3214
Research Interests:
Geometric analysis, geometric group theory and geometric evolution equations

Qi Lei
Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Data Science
Office: WWH

Chao Li
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH

Fang-Hua Lin
Silver Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3137
Research Interests:
Partial differential equations, geometric measure theory

Eyal Lubetzky
Professor of Mathematics; Chair, Mathematics Department
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3381
Research Interests:
Probability theory, statistical physics and stochastic processes

Nader Masmoudi
Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3211
Research Interests:
Nonlinear parallel differential equations

David W. McLaughlin
Silver Professor of Mathematics and Neural Science
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3077
Research Interests:
Applied mathematics, nonlinear wave equations, visual neural science

Alex Mogilner
Professor of Mathematics and Biology
Office: WWH
Ext: 2-7546
Research Interests:
Computational Biology, Cell Biophysics and Mathematical Biology

Jonathan Niles-Weed
Associate Professor of Mathematics and Data Science
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3475
Research Interests:
Statistics, probability, mathematics of data science

Mike O'Neil
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3125
Research Interests:
Electromagnetics, acoustics, fluid dynamics, fast algorithms, integral equations and computational statistics

Jinyoung Park
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH

Olivier Pauluis
Professor of Mathematics and Atmosphere/Ocean Science
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3170
Research Interests:
Climate and the general circulation of the atmosphere, moist convection, tropical meteorology, numerical modeling

Charles S. Peskin
Silver Professor of Mathematics and Neural Science
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3126
Research Interests:
Applications of mathematics and computing to problems in medicine and biology, cardiac fluid dynamics, molecular machinery within biological cells, mathematical/computational neuroscience

Alena Pirutka
Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 2-7537
Research Interests:
Arithmetic and algebraic geometry, number theory

Aaditya Rangan
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3303
Research Interests:
Computational biology, numerical analysis

Leif Ristroph
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3317
Research Interests:
Fluid dynamics, non-linear dynamics, experimental physics, biophysics, and geophysics

Sylvia Serfaty
Silver Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3213
Research Interests:
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Ginzburg-Landau equations, and variational problems from material science

Sara Shamekh
Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Atmosphere/Ocean Science
Office: WWH

Jalal M. I. Shatah
Silver Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3328
Research Interests:
Partial differential equations, analysis

Michael J. Shelley
Professor of Mathematics, Neural Science, and Mechanical Engineering, and the Lilian and George Lyttle Professor of Applied Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3284
Research Interests:
Applied math and modeling, visual neuroscience, fluid dynamics, computational physics and neuroscience

K. Shafer Smith
Professor of Mathematics and Atmosphere/Ocean Science
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3176
Research Interests:
Geophysical fluid dynamics, physical oceanography and climate

Georg Stadler
Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3111
Research Interests:
Parallel scientific computing, inverse problems, PDE-constrained optimization, variational inequalities, computational earth sciences

Daniel Stein
Professor of Mathematics and Physics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3178
Research Interests:
Theoretical condensed matter physics, statistical mechanics, and mathematical physics

Esteban G. Tabak
Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3088
Research Interests:
Dynamics of the atmosphere and ocean, energy transfer in systems with many degrees of freedom

Valentino Tosatti
Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Research Interests:
Complex and differential geometry, geometric analysis and PDEs, and their connections to algebraic geometry and dynamical systems

Yuri Tschinkel
Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3145
Research Interests:
Algebraic geometry, number theory, automorphic forms

Eric Vanden-Eijnden
Paulette Goddard Chair in Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3154
Research Interests:
Stochastic partial differential equations, statistical mechanics, turbulence theory

S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan
Professor of Mathematics and the Frank Jay Gould Professor of Science
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3334
Research Interests:
Probability theory, stochastic processes, partial differential equations

Vlad Vicol
Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Research Interests:
Partial differential equations, fluid dynamics

Hong Wang
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH

Jonathan Weare
Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Research Interests:
Applied probability, numerical analysis

Hau-Tieng Wu
Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH

Deane Yang
Professor of Mathematics
Office: 2MTC
Ext: 7-3540
Research Interests:
Convex geometric analysis, Riemannian geometry, Partial differential equations

Yisong Yang
Professor of Mathematics
Office: 2MTC
Ext: 7-3427
Research Interests:
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics, Applied Mathematics

Lai-Sang Young
Silver Professor of Mathematics and the Henry & Lucy Moses Professor of Science
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3286
Research Interests:
Dynamical systems and ergodic theory

Robert Young
Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3156
Research Interests:
Geometric group theory, metric geometry, and quantitative geometry

Laure Zanna
Joseph and Herbert Keller Professor in Applied Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8 3180

Ofer Zeitouni
Global Distinguished Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3311

Gaoyong Zhang
Professor of Mathematics
Office: 2MTC
Ext: 7-3695
Research Interests:
Convex geometry, Geometric analysis

Jun Zhang
Professor of Mathematics and Physics
Office: WWH
Research Interests:
Fluid dynamics, biophysics, complex systems

Yi Zhang
Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Atmosphere/Ocean Science
Office: WWH
Research Interests:
Atmosphere/Ocean Science

Ken Cereste
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: 2MTC
Ext: 7-3570

Ralph Chikhany
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Julius Damarackas
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH

Jose Diaz-Alban
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: 2MTC
Ext: 7-3850

Sylvia Espinosa
Clinical Assistant Professor
Office: WWH

Joseph Esposito
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: 2MTC
Ext: 7-4076

Ruslan Flek
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Joseph Foster
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH

Amakoe Gbedemah
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: 2MTC
Ext: 7-3294

Kendall Gibson
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Selin Kalaycioglu
Clinical Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3155

Petter N. Kolm
Clinical Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-4855

Matthew Leingang
Clinical Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3107

Trushant Majmudar
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3096

Alekzander Malcom
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Raoul Normand
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Hesam Oveys
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3229

Liming Pang
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH

Jinghua Qian
Clinical Associate Professor of Mathematics
Office: 2MTC
Ext: 7-3747

Andrew Sanfratello
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Yehonatan Sella
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Fan Ny Shum
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH
Ext: 8-3375

Jia Min Charmaine Sia
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: WWH

Elizabeth Stepp
Clinical Associate Professor of Mathematics
Office: 2MTC
Ext: 7-3666

Lindsey Van Wagenen
Clinical Associate Professor of Mathematics
Office: 2MTC
Ext: 7-3737

Fang Zhao
Lecturer, Courant Tandon; Director of Precalculus Mathematics for Tandon
Office: 2MTC
Ext: 7-3191

Jorge Arvesú Carballo
Visiting Associate Professor of Mathematics

Charles Stine
Visiting Assisting Professor
Courant Instructors

Nour Al Hassanieh
Courant Instructor

Gioacchino Antonelli
Courant Instructor

Gonzalo Cao Labora
Courant Instructor

Jiajie Chen
Courant Instructor

Tyler Chen
Courant Instructor

Yifan Chen
Courant Instructor

Simona Diaconu
Courant Instructor

Yijun Dong
Courant Instructor

Yuzhou Gu
Courant Instructor

Lisa Marquand
Courant Instructor

Christiana Mavroyiakoumou
Courant Instructor

Ulf David Persson
Courant Instructor

Renaud Raquepas
Courant Instructor

Shay Sadovsky
Courant Instructor

Shay Sadovsky
Courant Instructor

Michal Shavit
Courant Instructor

Wenzheng Shi
Courant Instructor

Mingtao Xia
Courant Instructor

Pu Yu
Courant Instructor

Kit Fine
Silver Professor of Philosophy and Mathematics

Jinzi Mac Huang
Assistant Professor Faculty Fellow of Mathematics, NYU Shanghai

Alexander Jones
Professor of the History of the Exact Sciences in Antiquity and Mathematics

Bhubaneswar Mishra
Professor of Computer Science, Mathematics, and Cell Biology

Efe A. Ok
Professor of Economics and Mathematics

Michael Overton
Silver Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics

Benjamin Peherstorfer
Associate Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics

Tamar Schlick
Professor of Chemistry, Mathematics, and Computer Science

Bob Shapley
Professor of Neural Science and Mathematics

Eero P. Simoncelli
Professor of Neural Science and Mathematics

Daniel Sodickson
Associate Professor of Radiology, Physiology, and Neuroscience

Alan Sokal
Professor of Physics and Mathematics

Katepalli R. Sreenivasan
Professor of Physics and Mathematics; Executive Vice Provost for Engineering and Applied Sciences, NYU

Pierre Tarrès
Professor of Mathematics, NYU Shanghai

Mark E. Tuckerman
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Mathematics

Wei Wu
Associate Professor of Mathematics, NYU Shanghai

Denis Zorin
Silver Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics

Marsha Berger
Silver Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics

Simeon M. Berman
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Stephen Childress
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Frederick P. Greenleaf
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Frank Hoppensteadt
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Frank C. Karal
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Richard Kleeman
Professor of Mathematics and Atmosphere/Ocean Science

Robert V. Kohn
Silver Professor of Mathematics

Peter D. Lax
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Erwin Lutwak
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Edward Miller
Professor of Mathematics

Charles M. Newman
Silver Professor of Mathematics

Albert B. J. Novikoff
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

John Rinzel
Professor of Neural Science and Mathematics

Joel H. Spencer
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Computer Science

Lu Ting
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Harold Weitzner
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Olof Widlund
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Mathematics

Margaret H. Wright
Silver Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics
In Memoriam

Marco Avellaneda
Professor of Mathematics

Jack Bazer

Martin D. Burrow
Professor of Mathematics

David Cai
Professor of Mathematics and Neural Science

Aleksandar Donev
Professor of Mathematics

Harold M. Edwards
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Paul R. Garabedian
Professor of Mathematics

Eliezer Hameiri
Professor of Mathematics

Melvin Hausner
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Samuel N. Karp
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Andrew J. Majda
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Henry P. McKean
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Cathleen S. Morawetz
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Louis Nirenberg
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Jerome K. Percus
Professor of Mathematics and Physics

Richard Pollack
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics