Postdocs for Academic Year 2025 - 2026

Below is the list of Postdoctoral Associates and Courant Instructors for the 2025 - 2026 academic year.

Name Title

Postdocs for previous academic years

Name Title
Al Hassanieh, Nour Courant Instructor
Antonelli, Gioacchino Courant Instructor
Blanke, Matthieu Postdoctoral Associate
Bou-Rabee, Ahmed Courant Instructor
Chen, Jiajie Courant Instructor
Chen, Yifan Courant Instructor
Courteaut, Klara Post-Doctoral Fellow
Diaconu, Simona Courant Instructor
Ducimetiere, Yves-Marie Post-Doctoral Fellow
Labora, Gonzalo Cao Courant Instructor
Marquand, Lisa Nicole Courant Instructor
Mason, Scott Post-Doctoral Fellow
Mavroyiakoumou, Christiana Courant Instructor
Persson, David Courant Instructor
Pineau, Benjamin Simons Junior Fellow
Raquepas, Renaud Courant Instructor
Sadovsky, Shay Courant Instructor
Schorlepp, Timo Courant Instructor
Shavit, Michal Courant Instructor
Xia, Mingtao Courant Instructor
Xu, Wenqiang (Max) Simons Junior Fellow
Zhang, Junsheng Courant Instructor

Name Title
Albergo, Michael Postdoctoral Associate
Al Hassanieh, Nour Courant Instructor
Antonelli, Gioacchino Courant Instructor
Boffi, Nick Courant Instructor
Bou-Rabee, Ahmed NSF Postdoctoral Associate
Burkhardt-Guim, Paula NSF Postdoctoral Associate
Chen, Jiajie Courant Instructor
Chen, Tyler Courant Instructor
Chen, Yifan Courant Instructor
Courteaut, Klara Courant Instructor
Dagallier, Benoit Courant Instructor
Diaconu, Simona Courant Instructor
Dong, Yijun Courant Instructor
Falconet, Hugo Courant Instructor
Garcia, Fortino NSF Postdoctoral Associate
Gerbelot-Barrillon, Cedric Courant Instructor
Kivimae, Pax NSF Postdoctoral Associate
Leger, Tristan Postdoctoral Associate
Lu, Yiping Courant Instructor
Marquand, Lisa Nicole Courant Instructor
Mavroyiakoumou, Christiana Courant Instructor
Mondal, Mainak Postdoctoral Associate
Monkman, Tatsu Postdoctoral Associate
Morisson, Megan NSF Postdoctoral Associate
Pillaud-Vivien, Loucas Courant Instructor
Raquepas, Renaud Courant Instructor
Semenov, Vadim Postdoctoral Associate
Shavit, Michal Courant Instructor
Shi, Wenzheng Courant Instructor
Stine, Charles Postdoctoral Associate
Tsang, Tin Yau Courant Instructor
Xia, Mingtao Courant Instructor
Xiao, Zhuo-Cheng Courant Instructor

Name Title
Ampatzoglou, Joakeim Courant Instructor
Antonelli, Gioacchino Courant Instructor
Bodner, Abigail Simons Junior Fellow
Boffi, Nick Courant Instructor
Boury, Samuel Courant Instructor
Burkhardt-Guim, Paula NSF Postdoctoral Associate
Cao, Norman Courant Instructor
Chen, Jiajie Courant Instructor
Chen, Tyler Courant Instructor
Divolo, Vincent Courant Instructor
Dunlap, Alexander NSF Postdoctoral Associate
Falasca, Fabrizio Postdoctoral Associate
Falconet, Hugo Courant Instructor
Fredrik Frylund, Nils Jan Postdoctoral Associate
Garcia, Fortino NSF Postdoctoral Associate
Giuliani, Andrew Postdoctoral Associate
Goldman, Johanna Postdoctoral Associate
Hashemi, Aref Courant Instructor
Khalichi, Bahram Postdoctoral Associate
King, Darren NSF Postdoctoral Associate
Kivimae, Pax NSF Postdoctoral Associate
Leibovich, Matan Courant Instructor
Mavroyiakoumou, Christiana Courant Instructor
McSwiggen, Colin Courant Instructor
Morisson, Megan NSF Postdoctoral Associate
Newsom, Emily Postdoctoral Associate
Nitzschner, Maximilian Courant Instructor
Pedersen, Christian Postdoctoral Associate
Perezhogin, Pavel Postdoctoral Associate
Pigati, Alessandro Courant Instructor
Pillaud-Vivien, Loucas Courant Instructor
Potter, Samuel Courant Instructor
Raquepas, Renaud Courant Instructor
Shamir, Ofer Postdoctoral Associate
Shavit, Michal Courant Instructor
Venkatraman, Raghav Postdoctoral Associate
Wang, Victor Courant Instructor
Xiao, Zhuocheng Courant Instructor
Yang, Lucia Minah Postdoctoral Associate
Yankovsky, Elizabeth A. Postdoctoral Associate
Youngs, Madeleine Postdoctoral Associate
Zhang, Zhiyuan Courant Instructor

Name Title
Alt, Johannes Postdoctoral Associate
Ampatzoglou, Joakeim Courant Instructor
Becker, Simon Courant Instructor
Boffi, Nick Courant Instructor
Boury, Simons Courant Instructor
Burkhardt-Guim, Paula Postdoctoral Associate
Cameron, Stephen Postdoctoral Associate
Cao, Norman Courant Instructor
Cao, Yu Courant Instructor
Davis, Andrew D. Postdoctoral Associate
Dinh, Huy Postdoctoral Associate
Divolo, Vincent Courant Instructor
Dunlap, Alexander Postdoctoral Associate
Dunlop, Matt Postdoctoral Associate
Espinosa, Silvia Postdoctoral Associate
Falasca, Fabrizio Postdoctoral Associate
Falconet, Hugo Courant Instructor
Fryklund, Fredrik Post-Doctoral Fellow
Garcia, Fortino Postdoctoral Associate
Giuliani, Andrew Postdoctoral Associate
Guillaumin, Arthur Postdoctoral Associate
Hashemi, Aref Courant Instructor
Huang, Jiaoyang Postdoctoral Associate
Khalichi, Bahram Postdoctoral Associate
Leibovich, Matan Courant Instructor
Li, Weilin Postdoctoral Associate
Li, Ziwei Postdoctoral Associate
Lindsey, Michael Postdoctoral Associate
Marbach, Sophie Postdoctoral Associate
McSwiggen, Colin Postdoctoral Associate
Muralikrishnan, Sriramkrishnan Postdoctoral Associate
Nitzschner, Maxim Courant Instructor
Pang, Limimg Postdoctoral Associate
Pérez Peláez, Raúl Postdoctoral Associate
Pigati, Alessandro Courant Instructor
Potter, Samuel Courant Instructor
Shamir, Ofer Postdoctoral Associate
Sprinkle, Brennan Courant Instructor
Tanzi, Matteo Postdoctoral Associate
Uy, Wayne Postdoctoral Associate
Vaughn, Ryan Postdoctoral Associate
Venkatraman, Raghav Postdoctoral Associate
Wechsung, Florian Postdoctoral Associate
Xiao, Zhuocheng Postdoctoral Associate
Xiao, Zhuo-Cheng Courant Instructor
Yang, Lucia Minah Postdoctoral Associate
Yankovsky, Elizabeth A. Postdoctoral Associate
Zhang, Zhiyang Courant Instructor

Name Title
Albritton, Dallas Postdoctoral NSF
Ampatzoglou, Ioakeim Postdoctoral Associate
Boury, Samuel Courant Instructor
Cameron, Stephen Postdoctoral NSF
Cao, Norman Courant Instructor
Cao, Yu Courant Instructor
Dai, Wei Postdoctoral Associate
Davis, Andrew D. Postdoctoral Associate
Dinh, Huy Postdoctoral Associate
Dunlap, Alexander Postdoctoral Associate
Dunlop, Matthew Postdoctoral Associate
Espinosa, Silvia Courant Instructor
Falasca, Fabrizio Postdoctoral Associate
Francfort, Gilles Mathematics Research Scientist
Gan, Zecheng Postdoctoral Associate
Giuliani, Andrew Courant Instructor
Guillaumin, Arthur Postdoctoral Associate
Huang, Jiaoyang Postdoctoral Associate
Khalichi, Bahram Postdoctoral Associate
Kim, Eugenia Postdoctoral Associate
Leibovich, Matan Courant Instructor
Li, Weilin Courant Instructor
Lindsey, Michael Postdoctoral NSF
Marbach, Sophie Post-Doctoral Fellow
Miles, Christopher Courant Instructor
Mohamad, Mustafa Postdoctoral Associate
Nitzschner, Maximilian Courant Instructor
Novack, Matthew Courant Instructor
Ohm, Laurel Postdoctoral NSF
Pain, Michel Courant Instructor
Peled, Yuval Courant Instructor
Pigati, Alessandro Courant Instructor
Qi, Di Postdoctoral Associate
Riverman, Kiya Postdoctoral Associate
Sengupta, Wrick Postdoctoral Associate
Silantyev, Denis Postdoctoral Associate
Sprinkle, Brennan Courant Instructor
Sushnikova, Daria Postdoctoral Associate
Tanzi, Matteo Courant Instructor
Ustinovskiy, Yury Courant Instructor
Uy, Wayne Courant Instructor
Vaughn, Ryan Postdoctoral Associate
Wechsung, Florian Postdoctoral Associate
Wein, Alexander Courant Instructor
Xiao, Zhuo-cheng Post-Doctoral Fellow
Xie, Xuping Postdoctoral Associate
Yan, Peng Postdoctoral Associate
Yang, Yunan Courant Instructor
Yankovsky, Elizabeth A. Postdoctoral Associate
Yeager, Benjamin Postdoctoral Associate
Zakine, Ruben Postdoctoral Associate
Zhang, Zhiyuan Courant Instructor

Name Title
Bilu, Margaret Courant Instructor
Cameron, Stephen Postdoctoral NSF
Copos, Calina Postdoctoral Associate
Dai, Wei Postdoctoral Associate
Das, Suddhasattwa Postdoctoral Associate
De Rosa, Antonio Courant Instructor
Dunlop, Matthew Postdoctoral Associate
Espinosa, Silvia Courant Instructor
Gan, Zecheng Postdoctoral Associate
Giuliani, Andrew Courant Instructor
Guillaumin, Arthur Postdoctoral Associate
Huang, Roujun Courant Instructor
Kim, Eugenia Postdoctoral Associate
Li, Weilin Courant Instructor
Lindsey, Michael Postdoctoral NSF
Malhotra, Dhairya Postdoctoral Associate
Marbach, Sophie Post-Doctoral Fellow
Miles, Christopher Courant Instructor
Miolane, Leo Courant Instructor
Mohamad, Mustafa Postdoctoral Associate
Novack, Matthew Courant Instructor
Pain, Michel Courant Instructor
Peled, Yuval Courant Instructor
Puelz, Charles Courant Instructor
Qi, Di Postdoctoral Associate
Rotskoff, Grant Postdoctoral Associate
Sanchez-Vizuet, Tonatiuh Postdoctoral Associate
Sengupta, Wrick Postdoctoral Associate
Silantyev, Denis Postdoctoral Associate
Sprinkle, Brennan Courant Instructor
Sushnikova, Daria Postdoctoral Associate
Tanzi, Matteo Courant Instructor
Ustinovskiy, Yury Courant Instructor
Uy, Wayne Courant Instructor
Wechsung, Florian Postdoctoral Associate
Wein, Alexander Courant Instructor
Xie, Xuping Postdoctoral Associate
Yan, Peng Postdoctoral Associate
Yang, Yunan Courant Instructor
Yeager, Benjamin Postdoctoral Associate
Yue, Haicen Postdoctoral Associate
Zakine, Ruben Postdoctoral Associate

Name Title
Balwada, Dhruv Postdoctoral Associate
Bilu, Margaret Courant Instructor
Brosseau, Quentin Postdoctoral Associate
Chariker, Christopher Logan Courant Instructor
Collot, Charles Courant Instructor
Copos, Calina Postdoctoral Associate
Crodelle, Jennifer Postdoctoral Associate
Dai, Wei Postdoctoral Associate
Das, Suddhasattwa Postdoctoral Associate
De Rosa, Antonio Courant Instructor
Dunlop, Matthew Postdoctoral Associate
Giuliani, Andrew Courant Instructor
Hartung, Lisa Courant Instructor
Huang, Roujun Courant Instructor
Kim, Eugenia Postdoctoral Associate
Leal, Isabel Courant Instructor
Leble, Thomas Courant Instructor
Li, Weilin Courant Instructor
Ling, Shuyang Courant Instructor
Malhotra, Dhairya Postdoctoral Associate
Manhart, Angelika Postdoctoral Associate
Miles, Christopher Courant Instructor
Mohamad, Mustafa Postdoctoral Associate
Moyano, Gabriel Eduardo Postdoctoral Associate
Nguyen, Thang Courant Instructor
Peled, Yuval Courant Instructor
Puelz, Charles Courant Instructor
Qi, Di Postdoctoral Associate
Rotskoff, Grant Postdoctoral Associate
Sanaei, Pejman Courant Instructor
Sanchez-Vizuet, Tonatiuh Postdoctoral Associate
Sengupta, Wrick Postdoctoral Associate
Seward, Brandon Postdoctoral Associate
Silantyev, Denis Postdoctoral Associate
Sprinkle, Brennan Courant Instructor
Subag, Eliran Postdoctoral Associate
Ustinovskiy, Yury Courant Instructor
Wein, Alexander Courant Instructor
Xie, Jin-Han Courant Instructor
Yan, Peng Postdoctoral Associate
Yang, Yunan Courant Instructor
Yue, Haicen Postdoctoral Associate

Name Title
Balwada, Dhruv Postdoctoral Associate
Bilu, Margaret Courant Instructor
Brosseau, Quentin Postdoctoral Associate
Burby, Joshua DOE Postdoc
Carson, Erin Courant Instructor
Chariker, Christopher Logan Courant Instructor
Chen, Nan Postdoctoral Associate
Copos, Calina Postdoctoral Associate
Crodelle, Jennifer Postdoctoral Associate
Dai, Wei Postdoctoral Associate
Das, Suddhasattwa Postdoctoral Associate
Delmotte, Blaise Courant Instructor
Deng, Yu Courant Instructor
De Rosa, Antonio Courant Instructor
Harrop-Griffiths, Benjamin Postdoctoral Associate
Hartung, Lisa Courant Instructor
Hirschberg, Ori Courant Instructor
Huang, Roujun Courant Instructor
Imbert-Gerard, Lise-Marie Postdoctoral Associate
Joglekar, Madhura Courant Instructor
Kim, Eugenia Postdoctoral Associate
Knight, Nicholas S. Courant Instructor
Kriventsov, Dennis Postdoctoral NSF
Leble, Thomas Courant Instructor
Ling, Shuyang Courant Instructor
Malhotra, Dhairya Postdoctoral Associate
Manhart, Angelika Postdoctoral Associate
Mohamad, Mustafa Postdoctoral Associate
Moyano, Gabriel Eduardo Postdoctoral Associate
Nguyen, Thang Courant Instructor
Pajor-Gyulai, Zsolt Courant Instructor
Qi, Di Postdoctoral Associate
Rotskoff, Grant Postdoctoral Associate
Sanaei, Pejman Courant Instructor
Sanchez-Vizuet, Tonatiuh Postdoctoral Associate
Sengupta, Wrick Postdoctoral Associate
Serkh, Kirill Postdoctoral NSF
Seward, Brandon Postdoctoral Associate
Silantyev, Denis Postdoctoral Associate
Subag, Eliran Postdoctoral Associate
Thual, Sulian Postdoctoral Associate
Xie, Jin-Han Courant Instructor
Zappa, Emilio Courant Instructor

Name Title
Buckmaster, Tristan J. Courant Instructor
Burby, Joshua DOE Postdoc
Carson, Erin Courant Instructor
Chen, Nan Postdoctoral Associate
Das, Suddhasattwa Postdoctoral Associate
David, Guy Courant Instructor
Delmotte, Blaise Courant Instructor
Deng, Yu Courant Instructor
Grafke, Tobias Courant Instructor
Harrop-Griffiths, Benjamin Postdoctoral Associate
Hartung, Lisa Courant Instructor
Hassainia, Zineb Courant Instructor
Hirschberg, Ori Courant Instructor
Johnson, Tobias Lee Postdoctoral Associate
Kelly, David Courant Instructor
Knight, Nicholas S. Courant Instructor
Kriventsov, Dennis Postdoctoral NSF
Leble, Thomas Courant Instructor
Lee, Yoonsang Postdoctoral Associate
Lee-Thorp, James Postdoctoral Associate
Li, Songting Postdoctoral Associate
Liu, Zhipeng Courant Instructor
Manhart, Angelika Postdoctoral Associate
Misiats, Oleksandr Courant Instructor
Nguyen, Thang Courant Instructor
Oza, Anand Uttam Postdoctoral Associate
Pajor-Gyulai, Zsolt Courant Instructor
Ricketson, Lee Courant Instructor
Sanchez-Vizuet, Tonatiuh Postdoctoral Associate
Sengupta, Wrick Postdoctoral Associate
Serkh, Kirill Postdoctoral NSF
Seward, Brandon Postdoctoral Associate
Szekely, Eniko Postdoctoral Associate
Thual, Sulian Postdoctoral Associate
Trigila, Giulio Postdoctoral Associate
Usabiaga, Florencio Balboa Postdoctoral Associate
Voytenko, Denis Postdoctoral Associate
Wheeler, Miles Postdoctoral NSF
Wu, Wei Courant Instructor
Zappa, Emilio Courant Instructor

Name Title

Name Title