P R O B A B I L I T Y, S p r i n g 2 0 2 5
Tuesday, Thursday,
2:00-3:15pm, in Warren Weaver Hall 517.
Lecturer: Paul Bourgade, office hours Wednesday 11.00am-12.00, you also can email me (bourgade@cims.nyu.edu)
to set up an appointment or just drop by (WWH 629).
Course assistant: Douglas Dow (cdd3103@nyu.edu).
Course description: The course is targeted at Mathematics PhD students. Stochastic processes in continuous time. Brownian motion. Poisson process. Processes with independent increments. Stationary processes. Semi-martingales. Markov processes and the associated semi-groups. Connections with PDEs. Stochastic differential equations. Convergence of processes.
Prerequisites: Probability 1, i.e. the content of the book Probability Theory by S.R.S. Varadhan.
Textbooks: Our reference text will be Stochastic Processes, by S.R.S. Varadhan.
Homework: Every Tuesday for the next Tuesday.
Grading: problem sets (50%) and final (50%).
A tentative schedule for this course is: