Group Meeting
Fall 2023: meetings will take place Thursdays, 12:30-1:45, in room WWH 1302.
As of Fall 2023, the name of this seminar is changed from the Modeling & Simulation Group (MSG) meeting to the Applied and Computational Math Group Meeting (ACMGM). This is a continuation of the group originally established as part of the 2017-2021 NSF research training group (RTG) in Modeling & Simulation.
The goal of this group meeting is to create a space to discuss applied mathematics research in an informal setting: to (a) give current graduate students and postdocs a chance to present their research (or a topic of common interest) and get feedback from the group, (b) learn about other ongoing and future research activities in applied math at the Institute, and (c) discuss important open problems and research challenges. Examples of past meetings include: research presentations by students and faculty, tool and visualization tutorials, invited speakers, job talk practices, and more.
To sign up for the mailing list, please go to this link:!forum/modelingandsimulation. You must then sign into your account that you use for google groups (either your account, or a google account), if you have not done so already. Then, click "Apply for Membership."
Graduate students who wish to get credit for this can register for a 1.5 credit course MATH-GA.2420-001 each semester. Students enrolled in the course will be required to attend regularly and participate in discussions, as well as present at least once during the academic year.
Some longer presentations may be accompanied by a 10min introduction by a partner (usually a graduate student) that is not doing research in the field of the presentation. The benefits of this are: a) As a presentor, you get to meet and interact with someone outside of your field; b) As a presentor, you get to practice/test your talk on someone outside of your field.; c) The talk will be more clear to everyone if your peer partner can understand and follow it; d) As a partner you get to learn something about a new topic and practice your oral presentation skills. The speaker and partner should meet to go over the presentation and then together choose something for the 10min intro. This could be a tutorial on some knowledge assumed in the talk that is not common to all graduate students, the introduction to the talk re-interpreted by the partner, or some other "big picture" item like comparison to other methods that most may be familiar with (so the partner can go at the end instead of the beginning in this case). Be creative and cooperative!
In Spring 2019, we read and presented classic papers in applied math and physics. Our evolving list is here:
There are no events for this seminar for Spring 2025.