Faculty Profile

David W. McLaughlin
Silver Professor of Mathematics and Neural Science
2 MetroTech Center, Office 868
Ph.D., Physics, Indiana University, USA, 1971.
M.S., Physics, Indiana University, USA, 1969.
B.S., Physics, Creighton University, USA, 1966.
Research Interests
I work in theoretical visual neural science, with emphasis upon modeling of the primary visual cortex. The work requires methods from four aspects of modern applied mathematics (mathematical modeling, computational science, formal asymptotics, and mathematical analysis), together with direct use of experimental data and design.
Selected Publications
D. Cai, L. Tao, M. Shkarayev, A. Rangan, D. McLaughlin, and G. Kovacic,
"The Role of Fluctuations in Coarse-Grained Descriptions of Neuronal Networks",
Communications in Mathematical Sciences
10, no. 1, 307-354 (2012)
D. Cai, A. Rangan, and D. McLaughlin,
"Quantifying Neuronal Network Dynamics through Coarse-Grained Event-Trees",
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
105, no. 31, 10990-10995 (2008)
D. Cai, A. Rangan, and D. McLaughlin,
"Neuronal Information Encoding and Reduction of Dimension Network Dynamics",
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
40, no. 2 (2007)