Faculty Profile

Michael J. Shelley
Lilian and George Lyttle Professor of Applied Mathematics
Professor of Mathematics, Neural Science, and Mechanical Engineering
Co-Director, Applied Mathematics Laboratory
Warren Weaver Hall, Office 1102
Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, University of Arizona, USA, 1985.
M.S., Applied Mathematics, University of Arizona, USA, 1984.
B.A., Mathematics, University of Colorado, USA, 1981.
Research Interests
My current research interests are in understanding complex phenomena arising in active matter, biophysics, and complex fluids, as well as in intricate fluid-structure problems that arise in understanding swimming and flying. While my own research tools are mathematical modeling, analysis, and simulation, I collaborate very closely with experimentalists working in biology and physics. A good part of that collaboration happens in the Applied Math Lab, of which I am a Co-Director and co-founder. See my personal webpage for representative publications.