Faculty Profile
K. Shafer Smith
Professor of Mathematics and Atmosphere/Ocean Science
Warren Weaver Hall, Office 916
Ph.D., Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA, 1999.
B.S., Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, 1992.
B.S., Mathematics, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, 1992.
Research Interests
My research is focused on large-scale turbulence in planetary fluids, particularly Earth's oceans and atmosphere. I seek to understand how such turbulent motions conspire to transport heat and other constituents, and to improve the representation of these processes in global climate models.
Selected Publications
K.S. Smith and J. Vanneste,
"A surface-aware projection basis for quasigeostrophic flow",
Journal of Physical Oceanography
43, 548-562 (2013)
K.S. Smith and E. Bernard,
"Geostrophic turbulence near rapid changes in stratification",
Physics of Fluids
25, 046601 (2013)
I. Grooms, K. S. Smith, and A. J. Majda,
"Multiscale models for synoptic–mesoscale interactions in the ocean",
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans
58, 95-107 (2012)