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Cai, D.; Rangan, A.; McLaughlin, D. Neuronal Information Encoding and Reduction of Dimension Network Dynamics. SIAM40(2007) no. 2.
Cai, D.; Tao, L.; Rangan, A.; McLaughlin, D. Kinetic Theory for Neuronal Network Dynamics. Comm. Math. Sci 4 (2006), no. 1, 97-12.
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Cai, D.; Rangan, A.; McLaughlin, D. Architectural and synaptic mechanisms underlying coherent spontaneous activity in V1. PNAS 102 (2005), no. 16, 5868- 5873.
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Cai, D.; Tao, L.; Shelley, M.; McLaughlin, D. An effective kinetic representation of fluctuation-driven neuronal networks with application to simple and complex cells in visual cortex. PNAS 101(2004), no. 20, 7757-7762.
Tao, L.; Shelley, M.; McLaughlin, D.; Shapley, R. An egalitarian network model for the emergence of simple and complex cells in visual cortex. PNAS 101 (2004), no. 1, 366-371.
McLaughlin, D.; Shapley, R.; Shelley, M. Large-scale modeling of the primary visual cortex: influence of cortical architecture upon neuronal response. J. Physiol. Paris 97 (2003), no. 2-3, 237-252.
McLaughlin, D.; Shapley, R.; Shelley, M.; Jin, J. High Conductance Dynamics of the Primary Visual Cortex. Perspectives and Problems in Nonlinear Science: A celebratory volume in honor of Lawrence Sirovich. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003.
Cai, D.; McLaughlin, D.; McLaughlin, K. T. R. The Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation as both a PDE and a Dynamical System. Handbook of Dynamical Systems, vol. 2, 599-678. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2002.
Shapley, R.; McLaughlin, D.; Shelley, M. Orientation Selectivity: models and neural mechanisms. The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, 2nd ed. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2002.
Shelley, M.; McLaughlin, D. Coarse-Grained Reduction and Analysis of a Network Model of Cortical Response: I. Drifting Grating Stimuli. J. Comput. Neurosci. 12 (2002), no. 2, 97-122.
Shelley M.; McLaughlin D.; Shapley R.; Wielaard J. States of high conductance in a large-scale model of the visual cortex. J. Comput. Neurosci. 13 (2002), no. 2, 93-109.
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Cai, D.; McLaughlin, D.; Shatah, J. Spatiotemporal Chaos in Spatially Extended Systems. Math. Comput. Simulation 55 (2001), no. 4-6, 329-340.
Goodman, R.; Majda, A.; McLaughlin, D. Modulations in the Leading Edges of Midlatitude Storm Tracks. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 62 (2001), no. 3, 746-776.
McLaughlin, D.; Shapley, R.; Shelley, M.; Tao, L. Complex Cells in a Simple Cell Network Model of V1 Cortex. Soc. Neurosci. (Abs) 27 (2001).
Shapley, R.; McLaughlin, D.; Shelley, M.; Wielaard, J. Lateral Inhibition Generates Simple Cells in a Model of V1 Cortex. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 42 (2001), Supp. #3901.
Wielaard, D.J.; Shelley, M.; McLaughlin, D.; Shapley, R. How Simple Cells are Made in a Nonlinear Network Model of the Visual Cortex. J. Neurosci. 21 (2001), no. 14, 5203-5211.
Cai, D.; McLaughlin, D. Chaotic and Turbulent Behavior of Unstable 1-D Nonlinear Dispersive Waves. J. Math. Phys. 41(2000), no. 6, 4125-4153.
Chen, Y.; McLaughlin, D. Diffraction Effects on Diffusive Bistable Optical Arrays. Physica D 138 (2000), 163-195.>
Forest, M. G.; Wright, O.; McLaughlin, D.; Muraki, D. Non-Focusing Instabilities in Coupled, Integrable Nonlinear Schrödinger PDE's. Journal of Nonlinear Science 10
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Cai, D.; Majda, A.; McLaughlin, D.; Tabak, E. Spectral Bifurcations in Dispersive Wave Turbulence. PNAS 96 (1999), 14216-14221.
Cai, D.; McLaughlin, D.; Shatah, J. Spatial-Temporal Chaos and Effective Stochastic Dynamics for a Near Integrable Non-linear System. Phys. Lett. A 253 (1999), 280-86.
Chen, Y.; McLaughlin, D. Focusing-Defocusing Effects for Diffusion Dominated Bistable Optical Arrays. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 16 (1999), no. 7, 1087-1098.
Jin, S.; Levermore, D.; McLaughlin, D. The Semiclassical Limit of the Defocusing NLS Hierarchy. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 52 (1999), no. 5, 613-654.
McLaughlin, D.; Shapley, R.; Shelley, M.; Wielaard, J. Modeling of Orientation Dynamics in Visual Cortex. Soc. Neurosci. (Abs) 25 (1999).
McLaughlin, D.; Shelley, M. Point Neuron and Mean Firing Rate Models of an Input Layer of the Primary Visual Cortex. Preprint, 1999.