Probability and Mathematical Physics Seminar

Probability and the city seminar


Location: Warren Weaver Hall 1302

Date: Friday, December 1, 2023, 11:10 a.m.


The Probability and the City seminar is a joint meeting of the probability seminars at Courant and at Columbia, held twice every semester (hosted once at each institution).
The second meeting of Fall 2023 will feature:

  • Amol Aggarwal (Columbia University) 



  • Allan Sly (Princeton University)

    Title: Rotationally invariant first passage percolation: Concentration and scaling relations

    Abstract: For rotationally invariant first passage percolation on the plane, we use a multi-scale argument to prove stretched exponential concentration of the passage times at the scale of the standard deviation. Our results are proved for several standard rotationally invariant models of first passage percolation, e.g. Riemannian FPP, Voronoi FPP and the Howard-Newman model. As a consequence, we prove a version of the scaling relations between the passage times fluctuation and transversal fluctuations of geodesics.  These are the first such unconditional results.
