Academic Integrity

When enrolled in a MATH-UA or CORE-UA course offered by the Math Department, you are expected to uphold the honor codes of the College of Arts and Sciences and your individual school. Academic integrity is essential to your reputation as a responsible student and adult. Violations of this policy breach the trust between professor and student, and are unfair to your fellow students, the faculty, and yourself.

Here are some examples of what constitutes violations of academic integrity:

  • Copying answers from computational websites like Wolfram Alpha, Symbolab, Mathpix, ChatGPT, or any other similar resource. While you may use these tools to check your work, submitting answers without your own thought process cheats you out of the learning experience.
  • Copying answers from other websites such as Chegg, Math Stack Exchange, Quora, etc. Graders can detect copied work, and students who bypass the homework process often struggle with quizzes and exams.
  • Sharing answers with other students in person, via group chats, or on platforms like Discord. While collaboration on homework assignments is allowed and often encouraged, the work you submit must be your own.
  • Discussing quizzes and exams while they are still active.
  • Having someone else take a quiz or exam on your behalf.
  • Altering graded work to raise scores.
  • Fabricating excuses or forging documentation for makeup exams.

If you submit work that is not your own, intending to deceive your instructor, they cannot accurately assess your learning. For this reason, a score of zero will normally be assigned to the item, or to the entire work. For the gravest violations, the instructor may additionally reduce the course grade, including possibly assigning a letter grade of F.

 All incidents of academic misconduct will be reported to your school’s dean of students, for recordkeeping and potential further disciplinary action.

Thank you for your commitment to maintaining a high standard of academic integrity.

See Also