Algebraic Geometry Seminar
The Algebraic Geometry Seminar meets on Tuesdays at 5:00PM in Room 512, unless otherwise indicated.
Seminar Organizer(s): Alena Pirutka, Lisa Marquand
Past Events
Tuesday, December 11, 20123:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
The Point Counting Problem
Edgar Costa, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences -
Tuesday, December 4, 20123:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
Geometry of Moduli Space of Rational Curves on Complete Intersections
Xuanyu Pan , Columbia University -
Tuesday, November 20, 20123:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
Compactified Jacobians and Q,T-Catalan Numbers
Eugene Gorsky, Stony Brook University -
Tuesday, November 13, 20123:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
The Field of Periods for Doubly Cyclic Cubic Threefolds
James Carlson, University of Utah -
Monday, November 12, 20122:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 605
Hyperbolic Ax-Lindemann and Application to the André-Oort Conjecture
Emmanuel Ullmo , Université Paris-Sud -
Tuesday, November 6, 20123:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
Rational Cubic Fourfolds Containing a Plane with Nontrivial Clifford Invariant
Marcello Bernardara , University of Toulouse -
Wednesday, October 17, 20123:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 202
Cycles on K3 Surfaces
Daniel Huybrechts , Universität Bonn -
Tuesday, October 9, 20123:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
A Variational Crystalline Conjecture
Johan de Jong, Columbia University -
Friday, October 5, 20123:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 512
Motivic Hirzebruch Class and Its Zeta Function
Shoji Yokura, Kagoshima University -
Tuesday, October 2, 20123:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
Towards the Bounding of Rational Curves on Surfaces of General Type
Jordan Thomas , Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences -
Tuesday, September 18, 20123:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
Quadric Surface Bundles and Quaternion Algebras Over Surfaces
Asher Auel , Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences -
Thursday, September 13, 20125PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1314
Infinite Transitivity of Subgroups of Infinite Symmetric Groups
Fedor Bogomolov , Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences