Algebraic Geometry Seminar
The Algebraic Geometry Seminar meets on Tuesdays at 5:00PM in Room 512, unless otherwise indicated.
Seminar Organizer(s): Alena Pirutka, Lisa Marquand
Past Events
Tuesday, December 5, 20173:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
Motivic random variables and a cohomological stability conjecture
Sean Howe, Stanford University -
Tuesday, November 28, 20173:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
Topology of moduli spaces of tropical curves
Sam Payne, Yale University -
Tuesday, November 21, 20173:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
Irrational points on hyperelliptic curves
Joseph Gunther, University of Wisconsin-Madison -
Tuesday, November 14, 20173:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
Equivariant motives and Sheaves on moment graphs.
Kirill Zaynullin, University of Ottawa -
Tuesday, November 7, 20173:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
Arithmetic restrictions on geometric monodromy
Daniel Litt, Columbia University -
Tuesday, October 31, 20173:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
Semi-stability and iterated logarithms
Fabian Haiden, Harvard University -
Friday, October 27, 20172PM, Warren Weaver Hall 605
Kuga-Satake construction and cohomology of hyperkahler manifolds
Nikon Kurnosov, HSE, Moscow -
Tuesday, October 24, 20173:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
On the dependence of the Brauer-Manin obstruction on the degree of a variety
Bianca Viray, University of Washington -
Tuesday, October 17, 20173:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
The local-global dimension spectrum of quadratic forms
Asher Auel, Yale University -
Tuesday, October 10, 20173:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
Intersections of two Grassmannians in P^9
Alexander Perry, Columbia University -
Tuesday, October 3, 20173:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
Almost all plane curves are simply connected
Michael McQuillan, IHES -
Tuesday, September 26, 20173:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
The gonality of complete intersection curves
Brooke Ullery, Harvard University -
Tuesday, September 19, 20173:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
Gonality and the strong uniform boundedness conjecture for periodic points
Bjorn Poonen, MIT -
Tuesday, September 12, 20173:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 317
Algebraic representatives and intermediate Jacobians over perfect fields
Sebastian Casalaina-Martin, University of Colorado