Algebraic Geometry Seminar
The Algebraic Geometry Seminar meets on Tuesdays at 5:00PM in Room 512, unless otherwise indicated.
Seminar Organizer(s): Alena Pirutka, Lisa Marquand
Past Events
Tuesday, May 20, 20142PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Resolution of Tame Quotient Singularities
Federico Buonerba, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences -
Tuesday, May 13, 20143:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Fun with Gerbes II- 2-Galois Theory and the Algebraic Interpretation of Co-Homology
Michael McQuillan, IHES, Paris -
Thursday, May 8, 201411AM, Warren Weaver Hall 1314
A Glimpse of Supertropical Algebra and Its Applications
Zur Izhakian, University of Aberdeen and University of Bremen -
Tuesday, May 6, 20143:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Cohomological Invariants of Degree 3 and Torsion in the Chow Group of a Versal Flag
Kirill Zaynullin, University of Ottawa -
Thursday, May 1, 20143:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Spectral Theory of Triangular Difference Operators and the Combinatorial Gale Transform
Igor Krichever, Columbia University -
Thursday, April 17, 20143:45PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Around the Bridgeland Differential on M_{G,N}
Andrei Caldarau, University of Wisconsin, Madison -
Tuesday, April 15, 20143:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
An Abstract Approach to Ramsey Theory
Slawomir Solecki, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign -
Tuesday, April 8, 20143:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
The Brauer Group and the Brauer-Manin Obstruction for K3 Surfaces
Alexei Skorobogatov, Imperial College, London -
Tuesday, April 1, 20143:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Semiabelian Groups and the Inverse Galois Problem
Benjamin Blum-Smith, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences -
Tuesday, March 18, 20143:30PM, Location TBA
No Seminar
Thursday, March 13, 20142PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1302
Generalized Witten Conjectures for Moduli Spaces of Riemann Surfaces
Jake Solomon, Hebrew University -
Tuesday, March 11, 20143:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1314
Special Divisors on Hyperelliptic Curves
Jacob Tsimerman, Harvard University -
Tuesday, March 4, 20143:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Toward Git Stability of Syzygies of Canonical Curves
Maksym Fedorchuk, Boston College -
Friday, February 28, 201412PM, Warren Weaver Hall 905
Shimura Curves Contained in the Jacobian Locus in Small Genus
Samuel Grushevsky, Stony Brook University -
Tuesday, February 25, 20143:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Lifting Galois Covers to Characteristic Zero with Non-Archimedean Analytic Geometry
Daniele Turchetti, Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu -
Tuesday, February 18, 20143:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Birational Isotriviality of Fiber Spaces
Christian Böhning, Universität Hamburg -
Tuesday, February 11, 20143:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Closed Symmetric Differentials Which Are Products of Meromorphic Differentials
Bruno de Oliveira, University of Miami -
Tuesday, February 4, 20143:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Title TBA
Fedor Bogomolov , Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences