Geometry Seminar
Restriction estimates using decoupling theorems and incidence inequalities for tubes
Speaker: Hong Wang, Courant Institute, NYU
Location: Warren Weaver Hall 1314
Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 6 p.m.
Suppose f is a function with Fourier transform supported on the unit sphere in Rd, Elias Stein conjectured in the 1960s that the Lp norm of f is bounded by the Lp norm of its Fourier transform, for p> 2d/(d-1). We propose to study this conjecture using Bourgain-Demeter decoupling theorems and incidences estimates for tubes.
In this talk, we will describe a geometric conjecture on the number of incidences for tubes that would imply Stein's restriction conjecture. We prove this geometric conjecture in R2 and use it to prove a restriction estimate in R3 for p> 3+ 1/7, which implies Wolff's hairbrush Kakeya estimate (i.e. any Kakeya set in R3 has Hausdorff dimension at least 5/2).
This is joint work with Shukun Wu.
In person and on Zoom, contact Boris Aronov for meeting ID