Modeling and Simulation Group Meeting Old

Undergrad research

Speaker: Mengjian Hua and Bob Junyi Zou, CIMS

Location: TBA

Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021, 12:30 p.m.


Two undergraduate students will present research projects they have been working on for a while with their mentors.

1. Bob Junyi Zou

Mentors: Antoine Cerfon and Benjamin Peherstorfer

"MFMC-based Uncertainty Quantification of Edge Particle Flux of Fusion Plasma in Tokamaks"
I will briefly talk about the systematic unstable forced balanced Hasegawa-MIma model and present its numerical simulation results, and then focus on discussing progress made and challenges faced in constructing low-fidelity variants of the model and applying Multi-fidelity Monte-Carlo to get an estimator of the expected value of the edge particle flux.
2. Mengjian Hua
Mentor: Charlie Peskin
"Simulating Traveling Wave Solutions for the 2D Poiseuille Flow with the Immersed Boundary Method"