Modeling and Simulation Group Meeting

Active Matter Festival, Part II

Speaker: Mariya Savinov, Ondrej Maxian, Leif Ristroph

Location: Warren Weaver Hall 1302

Date: Thursday, February 10, 2022, 12:30 p.m.


The Active Matter Festival will consider some overarching questions on the theme of active matter:

(1) How does large-scale order arise from local behavior?
(2) What role, if any, do hydrodynamics play?
(3) How do active and passive components interact?
(4) How can modeling remove complexity and degrees of freedom?
It will feature 6 speakers, each talking for 20 minutes on a theme. Here is a list of speakers and their topics:
Part I (February 3)
Brennan: n/a
Tanya: Transport of particles in active environments
Scott: Coarse-grained models for suspensions of swimming microorganisms
Part II (February 10)
Mariya: A short review of models for cytoplasmic intracellular fluid flow
Ondrej: Extending slender body theory to twisting filaments
Leif: Flow-induced crystallization, phonons, and cascade instabilities in “mock flocks”