MATH-GA.2420-002 Advanced Topics: Seminar In AOS

1.5 points

Course Description

The Atmosphere Ocean Science Student Seminar focuses on research and presentation skills. The course is spread across two semesters, and participants are expected to participate in both to earn the full 3 credits. Participants will prepare and present a full length (45-50 minute) talk on their research each semester, for a total of two over the duration of the course. In addition, short “elevator talks” are developed and given in the second semester, the goal being to encapsulate the key points of your research in under 5 minutes. A main goal of the course is learning to present your research to different audiences. We consider overview talks, appropriate for a department wide colloquium, specialty talks, as would be given in a focused seminar, and a broad pitch you would give when meeting people and entering the job market. When not presenting, students are expected to engage with the speaker, asking questions and providing feedback at the end of the talk.



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