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CAS Math Major Peer Mentor Program
Program Overview
The Peer Mentor Program, based on a student mentoring model, provides opportunities for new math major students to connect with and learn from upper-class students in the program. The peer mentor relationship allows new students to begin to feel connected to their new academic major and community. Above all the program is designed to be fun and relaxing for both the new math major and the seasoned math major.
Goals of the Peer Mentor Program
- Ease new students in their transition to their math majors, life at NYU, and life in New York City
- Build stronger relationships between upper-class and new students in the math major community
- Provide peer advisement on a student-to-student level in courses, study strategies, and campus activities

Information for Peer Mentors
Who Are Peer Mentors?
- Upper level undergraduate students who are majoring in a CAS math (or a joint math major) and have a desire to help their peers in the same major
- Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and are usually involved in the math department as a member of the math club, math tutor or grader, or participate in the Summer Undergraduate Research Program
- Involved on campus at NYU in other capacities such as student organizations, residential life, or on campus employment
Benefits for Peer Mentors
- Serve as a role model for new math majors through sharing your experiences in the major and University while practicing your mentoring skills
- Gain leadership skills through working with others in a peer advising capacity
- Connect with and support the math major community
Information for Peer Mentees
Who are Peer Mentees?
- Actively enrolled as CAS undergraduate students who are new or fairly new math majors
- Demonstrate a strong interest in receiving guidance and support from an experienced math major
Benefits for Peer Mentees
- Build connections with a peer who has been through similar experiences
- Feel supported
- Meet new people and expand your NYU Courant network
- Learn about the math major and helpful resources
- Get your questions answered by someone who you feel comfortable talking to

How to Participate
Applications for the Peer Mentor Program are now closed.
For any questions about the Math Major Peer Mentor Program, please contact the Undergraduate Program Administrator, Jackie Tucciarone, jt4787@nyu.edu.
Please note that you must be a CAS math major to participate in the program.