Declaring a Major or Minor

Please submit this form to change or declare your [joint] major or minor at the Math Department.

The request form to declare a [joint] major or minor at the Math Department will remain opened until Friday, October 18. Students are encouraged to declare their [joint] major or minor at the Math Department by Friday, October 18. The declaration form will be closed afterwards and students will need to wait until Monday, December 2 to declare their major or minor at the Math Department again.

  • Please note that you must be logged into your NYU email account in order to access the form.
  • Before declaring a [joint] major or minor at the Math Department, please review all Major/Minor course requirements.
  • Please allow at least 5 business days for your form to be reviewed and process. A Math Department representative will contact you once your request is approved. If you have any questions about Math Major requirements or declaration, please contact

Prospective Data Science/Mathematics Joint Majors: Please note you may only declare during the declaration period in the Fall and Spring semesters. Please reach out to for more information.

Students from Stern or Tisch

Students in all other schools must obtain a form to declare a major outside of their enrolled school from their school. To declare a minor, students in all other schools outside of CAS should complete the online cross-school Minor Application, available in the dropdown menu of your Albert Student Center.

  • Stern students can declare a math major with this form
  • Tisch students can declare a math major with this form.