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Modeling and Simulation Group Meeting

The Modeling and Simulation Group is comprised mainly of PhD students, some post-docs, and some faculty who are generally working in the areas of physical applied mathematics and numerical analysis, although all are welcome to attend. The meetings are informal, and range from tutorial style presentations to student presentations to faculty research overviews.

To join the mailing list, please please go to this link: https://groups.google.com/a/nyu.edu/g/modelingandsimulation .  You must then sign into a Google account (either your nyu.edu account, or a generic Google account). Click "Apply for Membership." If you would like to be added without a Google account, please send an email with subject 'subscribe CMSC' to one of the organizers.

A historial account of previous activities in the Modeling and Simulation Group, when it was part of an NSF RTG, can be found here:


Seminar Organizer(s): Amandin Rabeendran, Tanya Wang, Alan Kaptanoglu, Mike O'Neil, and Jonathan Weare

Past Events