Modeling and Simulation Group Meeting Old
Group meeting schedule for the (continued) Research and Training Group in Mathematical Modeling and Simulation.
Seminar Organizer(s): Mike O'Neil, Georg Stadler, and Jonathan Weare
Past Events
Thursday, May 5, 202212:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1302
What is the Replica Trick? A feeling for the science behind Giorgio Parisi's 2021 Physics Nobel Prize
Sophie Marbach & Brennan Sprinkle -
Thursday, April 28, 202212:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1302
AML Fest: Extraordinary math and physics of ordinary devices , Part II
Tiffany Li, and Leif Ristroph (for Ariel Zhu), Courant -
Thursday, April 21, 202212:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1302
AML Fest: Extraordinary math and physics of ordinary devices , Part I
Olivia Pomerenk, and Leif Ristroph (for Kaizhe Wang), Courant -
Thursday, April 14, 202212:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1302
From microscopic jump process to continuum PDE: a numerical approach to the hydrodynamic limit of crystal surface relaxation
Nick Boffi & Anya Katsevich, Courant -
Thursday, March 31, 202212:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1302
Two brief tutorials: Zotero and Git
Ryan Shìjié Dù & Georg Stadler -
Thursday, March 24, 202212:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1302
Towards fast algorithms for elliptic PDEs with boundary noise & Modeling neuronal networks in the striatum
Paul Beckman and Vicente Gonzalez Bosca, Courant -
Thursday, March 3, 202212:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1302
A homogenization perspective on Guest-Hutchinson modes
Xuenan Li, partner: Miranda Holmes-Cerfon -
Thursday, February 24, 202212:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1314
A parametrix method for steady-state surface diffusion problems & Turbulent spectra of the Majda-McLaughlin-Tabak (MMT) model: theory and numerical experiment
Tristan Goodwill & Ryan Shijie Du, Courant -
Thursday, February 17, 202212:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1302
An Inverse Problem in the Crossbridge Dynamics of Muscle
Charlie Peskin, partner: Xuenan Li, Courant -
Thursday, February 10, 202212:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1302
Active Matter Festival, Part II
Mariya Savinov, Ondrej Maxian, Leif Ristroph -
Thursday, February 3, 202212:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1302
Active Matter Festival, Part I
Scott Weady, Brennan Sprinkle, Tanya Wang -
Thursday, January 27, 202212:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1302
Planning meeting
all interested