Student Probability Seminar
This semester, Spring 2025, the Student Probability Seminar meets on Mondays from 11:00 AM--12:15 PM in WWH 1314.
All students and postdocs are welcome. Each week, someone chooses and presents a topic at an introductory level. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to speak, regardless of their background in probability. If you wish to speak, please contact Douglas Dow at dd3103 [at], Yujin Kim at [at], Santi Aranguri at sa7270 [at], Jacob Shkrob at jas10184 [at], Zhenfeng Tu at zt2255 [at], or Edward Zeng at ewz2008 [at]
Seminar Organizer(s): Douglas Dow, Yujin Kim, Santi Aranguri, Jacob Shkrob, Edward Zeng, Zhenfeng Tu
Past Events
Monday, May 15, 20236:40PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1314
Correlation Estimates in Spin Systems
Xingjian Di, NYU Courant -
Monday, May 8, 20233PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1314
Number Rigidity of Point Processes
Eric Thoma, NYU Courant -
Monday, May 1, 20233PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1314
Critical Erdos-Renyi Graph and Multiplicative Coalescence
Zhenfeng Tu, NYU Courant -
Monday, April 24, 20233PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1314
Stochastic heat equations in higher dimensions
Alexander Dunlap, NYU Courant -
Monday, April 17, 20231:15PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1314
Evolutionary Advantage of Cell Size Control
Spencer Hobson-Gutierrez, NYU Biology -
Monday, April 10, 20233PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1314
Entropic estimation of optimal transport maps
Aram Pooladian, CIMS -
Monday, April 3, 20233PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1314
The critical window of the symmetric perceptron
Dylan Altschuler, CIMS -
Monday, March 27, 20231:15PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1314
Limit theorems for recurrence times on one-sided shifts
Renaud RaquƩpas, CIMS -
Monday, March 20, 20231:15PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1314
The Shape Function for Optimal Paths in Random Environments
Douglas Dow, CIMS -
Monday, March 6, 20231:15PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1314
Planting trees in log-correlated fields
Yujin Kim, CIMS -
Monday, February 27, 20231:15PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1314
Maximum of 3D Ising interfaces
Joe Chen, CIMS