Geometric Analysis and Topology Seminar
The seminar generally meets at 11am on Fridays, either in-person in 512 WWH or on zoom. Click on the title of a talk for the abstract (if available).
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Seminar Organizer(s): Gioacchino Antonelli, Paula Burkhardt-Guim, Sylvain Cappell, Jeff Cheeger, Bruce Kleiner, Chao Li, Valentino Tosatti, and Robert Young
Past Events
Wednesday, December 5, 201811AM, Warren Weaver Hall 517
Relative volume comparison along Ricci flow
Gang Tian, Beijing University -
Wednesday, October 24, 201811AM, Warren Weaver Hall 517
A Bound on the Cohomology of Quasiregularly Elliptic Manifolds
Eden Prywes, UCLA -
Wednesday, October 10, 201811AM, Warren Weaver Hall 517
Local flexibility of open partial differential relations
Bernhard Hanke, Augsburg -
Wednesday, September 26, 201811AM, Warren Weaver Hall 517
Recent Progress on Manifolds with Ricci Curvature Bounds
Aaron Naber, Northwestern