Algebraic Geometry Seminar
The Algebraic Geometry Seminar meets on Tuesdays at 5:00PM in Room 512, unless otherwise indicated.
Seminar Organizer(s): Alena Pirutka, Lisa Marquand
Past Events
Thursday, May 19, 20164:45PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Rational Curves on Bi-Disc Quotients
Michael McQuillan, IHES -
Thursday, May 12, 20165PM, Warren Weaver Hall 905
Local Versus Global Multi-Lagrangian Surfaces in Abelian 5-Folds
Bruno de Oliveira, University of Miami -
Tuesday, May 3, 20165PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
The Brauer Group of the Moduli Stack of Elliptic Curves
Benjamin Antieau, University of Illinois at Chicago -
Tuesday, April 26, 20163:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Division Polynomials and Intersection of Projective Torsion Points
Hang Fu, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences -
Tuesday, April 12, 20163:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Destackification Theorem of Daniel Bergh
Valery Lunts, Indiana University Bloomington -
Thursday, April 7, 20162:45PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Automorphisms of Hyperkähler Manifolds
Mikhail Verbitsky, Higher School of Economics, Moscow -
Wednesday, April 6, 20165PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
On the Arithmetic of Integral Representations of Finite Groups
Dmitry Malinin, University of the West Indies, Kingston -
Tuesday, April 5, 20163:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Dynamical Degrees of Automorphisms of Algebraic Surfaces
Igor Dolgachev, University of Michigan -
Tuesday, March 29, 20162PM, Warren Weaver Hall 1302
Genus One Curves in Severi-Brauer Varieties
David Saltman, Center for Communications Research, IDA -
Thursday, March 24, 20163:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Limits of Pfaffian Cubic Fourfolds
Asher Auel, Yale University -
Tuesday, March 22, 20163:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
3-Body Elliptic Calogero Model: A Solution
Alexander Turbiner, Nuclear Science Institute, UNAM -
Thursday, March 10, 20163:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Classification and Birational Rigidity of Del Pezzo Fibrations with an Action of the Klein Simple Group
Igor Krylov, University of Edinburgh -
Tuesday, March 8, 20163:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
The Shafarevich Conjecture for K3 Surfaces
Yiwei Shi, Columbia University -
Tuesday, March 1, 20163:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Feynman Periods: Numbers and Geometry
Dmitry Doryn, Institute for Basic Science, South Korea -
Monday, February 29, 20161PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Compact Fibrations with Hyperkähler Fibers
Rodion Déev, Higher School of Economics, Moscow -
Tuesday, February 9, 20163:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
Representations of Generalized Braid Groups on the Derived Category of a Git Quotient
Daniel Halpern-Leistner, Columbia University -
Tuesday, February 2, 20163:30PM, Warren Weaver Hall 201
On the Boundedness of the Second Betti Number of Hyperkähler Manifolds
Nikon Kurnosov, Higher School of Economics, Moscow