Ph.D. in Mathematics, Specializing in Applied Math
Table of Contents
- Overview of Applied Mathematics at the Courant Institute
- PhD Study in Applied Mathematics
- Faculty
- Applied math courses
Overview of Applied Mathematics at the Courant Institute
Applied mathematics has long had a central role at the Courant Institute, and roughly half of all our PhD's in Mathematics are in some applied field. There are a large number of applied fields that are the subject of research. These include:
- Atmosphere and Ocean Science
- Biology, including biophysics, biological fluid dynamics, theoretical neuroscience, physiology, cellular biomechanics
- Computational Science, including computational fluid dynamics, adaptive mesh algorithms, analysis-based fast methods, computational electromagnetics, optimization, methods for stochastic systems.
- Data Science
- Financial Mathematics
- Fluid Dynamics, including geophysical flows, biophysical flows, fluid-structure interactions, complex fluids.
- Materials Science, including micromagnetics, surface growth, variational methods,
- Stochastic Processes, including statistical mechanics, Monte-Carlo methods, rare events, molecular dynamics
PhD study in Applied Mathematics
PhD training in applied mathematics at Courant focuses on a broad and deep mathematical background, techniques of applied mathematics, computational methods, and specific application areas. Descriptions of several applied-math graduate courses are given below.
Numerical analysis is the foundation of applied mathematics, and all PhD students in the field should take the Numerical Methods I and II classes in their first year, unless they have taken an equivalent two-semester PhD-level graduate course in numerical computing/analysis at another institution. Afterwards, students can take a number of more advanced and specialized courses, some of which are detailed below. Important theoretical foundations for applied math are covered in the following courses: (1) Linear Algebra I and II, (2) Intro to PDEs, (3) Methods of Applied Math, and (4) Applied Stochastic Analysis. It is advised that students take these courses in their first year or two.
A list of the current research interests of individual faculty is available on the Math research page.
Courses in Applied Mathematics
The following list is for AY 2023/2024:
(MATH-GA.2701) Methods Of Applied Math
Fall 2023, Oliver Buhler
Description: This is a first-year course for all incoming PhD and Masters students interested in pursuing research in applied mathematics. It provides a concise and self-contained introduction to advanced mathematical methods, especially in the asymptotic analysis of differential equations. Topics include scaling, perturbation methods, multi-scale asymptotics, transform methods, geometric wave theory, and calculus of variations.
Prerequisites: Elementary linear algebra, ordinary differential equations; at least an undergraduate course on partial differential equations is strongly recommended.
(MATH-GA.2704) Applied Stochastic Analysis
Spring 2024, Jonathan Weare
This is a graduate class that will introduce the major topics in stochastic analysis from an applied mathematics perspective. Topics to be covered include Markov chains, stochastic processes, stochastic differential equations, numerical algorithms, and asymptotics. It will pay particular attention to the connection between stochastic processes and PDEs, as well as to physical principles and applications. The class will attempt to strike a balance between rigour and heuristic arguments: it will assume that students have some familiarity with measure theory and analysis and will make occasional reference to these, but many results will be derived through other arguments. The target audience is PhD students in applied mathematics, who need to become familiar with the tools or use them in their research.
Basic Probability (or equivalent masters-level probability course), Linear Algebra (graduate course), and (beginning graduate-level) knowledge of ODEs, PDEs, and analysis.
(MATH-GA.2010/ CSCI-GA.2420) Numerical Methods I
- Fall 2023, Benjamin Peherstorfer
Description: This course is part of a two-course series meant to introduce graduate students in mathematics to the fundamentals of numerical mathematics (but any Ph.D. student seriously interested in applied mathematics should take it). It will be a demanding course covering a broad range of topics. There will be extensive homework assignments involving a mix of theory and computational experiments, and an in-class final. Topics covered in the class include floating-point arithmetic, solving large linear systems, eigenvalue problems, interpolation and quadrature (approximation theory), nonlinear systems of equations, linear and nonlinear least squares, and nonlinear optimization, and iterative methods. This course will not cover differential equations, which form the core of the second part of this series, Numerical Methods II.
Prerequisites: A good background in linear algebra, and some experience with writing computer programs (in MATLAB, Python or another language).
(MATH-GA.2020 / CSCI-GA.2421) Numerical Methods II
Spring 2024, Aleksandar Donev
This course (3pts) will cover fundamental methods that are essential for the numerical solution of differential equations. It is intended for students familiar with ODE and PDE and interested in numerical computing; computer programming assignments in MATLAB/Python will form an essential part of the course. The course will introduce students to numerical methods for (approximately in this order):
- The Fast Fourier Transform and pseudo-spectral methods for PDEs in periodic domains
- Ordinary differential equations, explicit and implicit Runge-Kutta and multistep methods, IMEX methods, exponential integrators, convergence and stability
- Finite difference/element, spectral, and integral equation methods for elliptic BVPs (Poisson)
- Finite difference/element methods for parabolic (diffusion/heat eq.) PDEs (diffusion/heat)
- Finite difference/volume methods for hyperbolic (advection and wave eqs.) PDEs (advection, wave if time permits).
This course requires Numerical Methods I or equivalent graduate course in numerical analysis (as approved by instructor), preferably with a grade of B+ or higher.
(MATH-GA.2011 / CSCI-GA 2945) Computational Methods For PDE
Fall 2023, Aleksandar Donev & Georg Stadler
This course follows on Numerical Methods II and covers theoretical and practical aspects of advanced computational methods for the numerical solution of partial differential equations. The first part will focus on finite element methods (FEMs), and the second part on finite volume methods (FVMs) including discontinuous Galerkin (FE+FV) methods. In addition to setting up the numerical and functional analysis theory behind these methods, the course will also illustrate how these methods can be implemented and used in practice for solving partial differential equations in two and three dimensions. Example PDEs will include the Poisson equation, linear elasticity, advection-diffusion(-reaction) equations, the shallow-water equations, the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation, and others if time permits. Students will complete a final project that includes using, developing, and/or implementing state-of-the-art solvers.
In the Fall of 2023, Georg Stadler will teach the first half of this course and cover FEMs, and Aleks Donev will teach in the second half of the course and cover FVMs.
A graduate-level PDE course, Numerical Methods II (or equivalent, with approval of syllabus by instructor(s)), and programming experience.
- Elman, Silvester, and Wathen: Finite Elements and Fast Iterative Solvers, Oxford University Press, 2014.
- Farrell: Finite Element Methods for PDEs, lecture notes, 2021.
- Hundsdorfer & Verwer: Numerical Solution of Time-Dependent Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Equations, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
- Leveque: Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, Cambridge Press, 2002.
(MATH-GA.2012) Immersed Boundary Method For Fluid-Structure Interaction
Not offered AY 23/24.
The immersed boundary (IB) method is a general framework for the computer simulation of flows with immersed elastic boundaries and/or complicated geometry. It was originally developed to study the fluid dynamics of heart valves, and it has since been applied to a wide variety of problems in biofluid dynamics, such as wave propagation in the inner ear, blood clotting, swimming of creatures large and small, and the flight of insects. Non-biological applications include sails, parachutes, flows of suspensions, and two-fluid or multifluid problems.
Topics to be covered include: mathematical formulation of fluid-structure interaction in Eulerian and Lagrangian variables, with interaction equations involving the Dirac delta function; discretization of the structure, fluid, and interaction equations, including energy-based discretization of the structure equations, finite-difference discretization of the fluid equations, and IB delta functions with specified mathematical properties; a simple but effective method for adding mass to an immersed boundary; numerical simulation of rigid immersed structures or immersed structures with rigid parts; IB methods for immersed filaments with bend and twist; and a stochastic IB method for thermally fluctuating hydrodynamics within biological cells. Some recent developments to be discussed include stability analysis of the IB method and a Fourier-Spectral IB method with improved boundary resolution.
Course requirements include homework assignments and a computing project, but no exam. Students may collaborate on the homework and on the computing project, and are encouraged to present the results of their computing projects to the class.
Prerequisite: Familiarity with numerical methods and fluid dynamics.
(MATH-GA.2012 / CSCI-GA.2945): High Performance Computing
Not offered AY 23/24
This class will be an introduction to the fundamentals of parallel scientific computing. We will establish a basic understanding of modern computer architectures (CPUs and accelerators, memory hierarchies, interconnects) and of parallel approaches to programming these machines (distributed vs. shared memory parallelism: MPI, OpenMP, OpenCL/CUDA). Issues such as load balancing, communication, and synchronization will be covered and illustrated in the context of parallel numerical algorithms. Since a prerequisite for good parallel performance is good serial performance, this aspect will also be addressed. Along the way you will be exposed to important tools for high performance computing such as debuggers, schedulers, visualization, and version control systems. This will be a hands-on class, with several parallel (and serial) computing assignments, in which you will explore material by yourself and try things out. There will be a larger final project at the end. You will learn some Unix in this course, if you don't know it already.
Prerequisites for the course are (serial) programming experience with C/C++ (I will use C in class) or Fortran, and some familiarity with numerical methods.
(MATH-GA.2011) Monte Carlo Methods
Fall 2023, Jonathan Weare and Jonathan Goodman
Topics: The theory and practice of Monte Carlo methods. Random number generators and direct sampling methods, visualization and error bars. Variance reduction methods, including multi-level methods and importance sampling. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), detailed balance, non-degeneracy and convergence theorems. Advanced MCMC, including Langevin and MALA, Hamiltonian, and affine invariant ensemble samplers. Theory and estimation of auto-correlation functions for MCMC error bars. Rare event methods including nested sampling, milestoning, and transition path sampling. Multi-step methods for integration including Wang Landau and related thermodynamic integration methods. Application to sampling problems in physical chemistry and statistical physics and to Bayesian statistics.
Required prerequisites:
- A good probability course at the level of Theory of Probability (undergrad) or Fundamentals of Probability (masters)
- Linear algebra: Factorizations (especially Cholesky), subspaces, solvability conditions, symmetric and non-symmetric eigenvalue problem and applications
- Working knowledge of a programming language such as Python, Matlab, C++, Fortran, etc.
- Familiarity with numerical computing at the level of Scientific Computing (masters)
Desirable/suggested prerequisites:
- Numerical methods for ODE
- Applied Stochastic Analysis
- Familiarity with an application area, either basic statistical mechanics (Gibbs Boltzmann distribution), or Bayesian statistics
(MATH-GA.2012 / CSCI-GA.2945) Convex & Non Smooth Optimization
Spring 2024, Michael Overton
Convex optimization problems have many important properties, including a powerful duality theory and the property that any local minimum is also a global minimum. Nonsmooth optimization refers to minimization of functions that are not necessarily convex, usually locally Lipschitz, and typically not differentiable at their minimizers. Topics in convex optimization that will be covered include duality, CVX ("disciplined convex programming"), gradient and Newton methods, Nesterov's optimal gradient method, the alternating direction method of multipliers, the primal barrier method, primal-dual interior-point methods for linear and semidefinite programs. Topics in nonsmooth optimization that will be covered include subgradients and subdifferentials, Clarke regularity, and algorithms, including gradient sampling and BFGS, for nonsmooth, nonconvex optimization. Homework will be assigned, both mathematical and computational. Students may submit a final project on a pre-approved topic or take a written final exam.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate linear algebra and multivariable calculus
Q1: What is the difference between the Scientific Computing class and the Numerical Methods two-semester sequence?
The Scientific Computing class (MATH-GA.2043, fall) is a one-semester masters-level graduate class meant for graduate or advanced undergraduate students that wish to learn the basics of computational mathematics. This class requires a working knowledge of (abstract) linear algebra (at least at the masters level), some prior programming experience in Matlab, python+numpy, Julia, or a compiled programming language such as C++ or Fortran, and working knowledge of ODEs (e.g., an undergrad class in ODEs). It only briefly mentions numerical methods for PDEs at the very end, if time allows.
The Numerical Methods I (fall) and Numerical Methods II (spring) two-semester sequence is a Ph.D.-level advanced class on numerical methods, meant for PhD students in the field of applied math, masters students in the SciComp program, or other masters or advanced undergraduate students that have already taken at least one class in numerical analysis/methods. It is intended that these two courses be taken one after the other, not in isolation. While it is possible to take just Numerical Methods I, it is instead strongly recommended to take the Scientific Computing class (fall) instead. Numerical Methods II requires part I, and at least an undergraduate class in ODEs, and also in PDEs. Students without a background in PDEs should not take Numerical Methods II; for exceptions contact Aleks Donev with a detailed justification.
The advanced topics class on Computational Methods for PDEs follows on and requires having taken NumMeth II or an equivalent graduate-level course at another institution (contact Aleks Donev with a syllabus from that course for an evaluation), and can be thought of as Numerical Methods III.
Q2: How should I choose a first graduate course in numerical analysis/methods?
- If you are an undergraduate student interested in applied math graduate classes, you should take the undergraduate Numerical Analysis course (MATH-UA.0252) first, or email the syllabus for the equivalent of a full-semester equivalent class taken elsewhere to Aleks Donev for an evaluation.
- If you are: (a) an advanced undergraduate; or, (b) masters student in a program other than the SciComp program; or, (c) a PhD student in a field other than applied mathematics, and wish to take a graduate course in numerical analysis/methods, you should:
- Take the Scientific Computing class (fall), or
- Take both Numerical Methods I (fall) and II (spring), see Q1 for details. This is required of masters students in the SciComp program.