Graduate Student / Postdoc Seminar

This seminar is meant to benefit young mathematicians, particularly graduate students and postdocs. It aims to accomplish the following:

  • provide a venue for talks that young mathematicians will understand
  • expose students to areas of research at the Courant Institute

The research talks should be fairly introductory and accessible to students and non-specialists in the audience.

If you would like to give a talk or ask a question about the seminar, please contact one of the seminar organizers:

  • Aria Halavati (aria.halavati [at] cims [dot] nyu [dot] edu)
  • Amandin Chyba Rabeendran (atc9782 [at] nyu [dot] edu)

Seminars are at 1pm in Warren Weaver Hall 1302. Pizza and drinks will be served before/after the talks. Historical events prior to 2010 for this seminar are available here.

Seminar Organizer(s): Aria Halavati, Amanda Chyba Rabeendran

There are no events for this seminar for Fall 2024.