Tandon Math BS Students

For all matters regarding undergraduate advisement in Tandon Mathematics, please see contact soe.math@nyu.edu. If you are a math major at Tandon, you will be assigned to one of the following advisors: 
Program Administrator, Angelica Farin (angelica.farin@nyu.eduhttps://afarin.youcanbook.me/, 2 MTC 860)
Program Administrator, Jacquelene Herbold (jacquelene.herbold@nyu.eduhttps://jherbold.youcanbook.me/, 2 MTC 857)
Assistant Director of Academic Affairs, Alison Entin (alison.entin@nyu.edu, https://aentin.youcanbook.me/, 2 MTC 858)

All declared undergraduate Tandon mathematics majors must have their proposed course schedules approved each term by their assigned Math Department advisor. Students intending to major in mathematics are urged to declare their major as early as possible. Students should declare their major or minor by following the listed instructions.

Useful Resources